Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] is that all " in BNC.

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1 The main difficulty of this interpretation is that all traces of the actual cella have been lost ( his p. 18 ) .
2 A further concern is that all competitors in a particular market should be treated equally , to avoid a green version of Gresham 's law where bad environmental practices are allowed to chase out good .
3 ‘ What I like about old furniture is that all the pieces are favourites , ’ she says .
4 What I like about old furniture is that all the pieces are favourites
5 The difficulty with this suggestion is that all the sceptical arguments presented , and indeed any interesting sceptical argument , seem to be directed as much against the notion of justified belief as against that of knowledge .
6 An important feature of this book is that all the activities described can be used not only with the sample material provided , but also with other materials of the teacher 's own choice .
7 Another possibility is that all quasars and BL Lac objects are beamed roughly towards us , and that something else distinguishes them — something that so far remains hidden in the enigmatic central powerhouse .
8 The principal recommendation is that all listed companies registered in the UK should comply with a code of best practice for corporate governance .
9 The second outcome is that all children would be aware of what 's involved in the record of achievement .
10 Our principle in the civil service is that all jobs should be available to everyone — irrespective of sex , race , creed or religion .
11 On the face of it this seems to be a good idea : one frequently voiced criticism of comprehensive education is that all pupils have been forced to follow a grammar-school curriculum .
12 The premise of Basic Instinct is that all women are homicidal maniacs .
13 For a German observer who had been interned in Britain 1914-18 , ‘ the great secret of masculine psychology is that all men of all ages act and behave like schoolboys as soon as their individualities are merged in a crowd . ’
14 An alternative theory is that all crime rises in the initial stages of industrialization and urbanization , but that thereafter violence falls while property offences continue to increase .
15 The traditional explanation is that all mothers with colicky babies — regardless of what sort of people they are or what else is happening in their lives — suddenly become more confident and relaxed at this point .
16 As we know , exercise plays an important part in any diet/exercise routine , but the key thing is that all exercise is not the same .
17 The important conclusion is that all the cells in the body contain the same genetic information ; what makes the cells different is how that genetic information is used .
18 1.13 Our fundamental assumption is that all pupils are entitled to an education that will provide the opportunity for them to develop to the best of their abilities a competence in and appreciation of English .
19 The short answer is that all the other trees are tall , so no one tree can afford not to be .
20 Perhaps the most important fact is that all the pigments used in Aquacryl are lightfast .
21 Our first rule is that all raw materials must be from a known and identifiable source .
22 The only difference is that all that acting , all that recording , all that boring , frightening flying to gigs gave her the cash to fulfil that dream .
23 The Minister ( Sir Edward Boyle ) announced that this would take place in 1970/1 and wrote a remarkable preface to the published text in which he stated that ‘ the essential point is that all children should have an equal opportunity of acquiring intelligence , and developing their talents and abilities to the full ’ .
24 The one complication is that all Windows applications place the same sort of minimum demands on a machine and so if you want to work in a Windows environment you will have to add the extra requirements to machine fit to run Windows .
25 One explanation is that all the white holes are in an alternate universe .
26 What is clear from the above account is that all the transactions covering the 17 months to May 1990 are inextricably linked .
27 The essential idea is that all the possible states of oscillation of light moving in the z direction can be made up of judicious mixtures of the two basic oscillations in the x and y directions .
28 My only quibble is that all measurements are given in metric form only .
29 Another daft view is that all the woes which have beset the Soviet Union and its satellites are because these countries did n't know how to run their economies .
30 The right answer is that all those who have signed the treaty should abide by it , the safeguards in the treaty applied to signatories such as Iraq should be strengthened , and countries that have not signed it should be encouraged to do so .
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