Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] and [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This ‘ instinctive revulsion from regulation ’ is the foundation of his libertarian heritage and it gives rise to a particular vision of how broadcasting should develop and what its purposes should be .
2 Most airlines I 'm told by the multiples have one person who look after that camp and they go down from erm regional , regional level to regional sales manager .
3 But ultimately , at that stage , the expectation is that they will say , well the bulk of the D S S monies have now been transferred to local authorities , and can safely be distributed through the normal standard spending assessment distribution , and the revenue support grant for local authorities , so at that stage you will cease to have any specific grant and one assumes that the conditions about where you spend it and how you spend it will also have been removed .
4 and it immediately dies down and then it 's okay , but there was this tremendous roar and a loud click and it went out .
5 ‘ We are trying to educate young people and point them in the right direction and I do n't think we are fulfilling our duty very well when we have a rule like this . ’
6 I mean I 'm gon na try and give , the first two guys and er Mike who came in , they did n't do very well cos they did n't actually mention that bit and it did n't flow from then on , you 've got ta make the point , you know , did you find that er well not did you , that 's bad phraseology , I 'm sure you found this beneficial which of the areas of the five tonight actually interest you the most do that bit and then go in with the fact that you actually mentioned earlier on that you do work on a recommendation basis .
7 I figured there were a whole lot of answers inside that building and I figured that like or not there had to be a back entrance to it somewhere .
8 okay , pretend that you 're that building and I want you to describe yourself and and I want the rest of the class to see if they can guess what it is and how long they take it they take to guess okay , and if you think you know what that person is , put your hand up do n't do n't shout out .
9 I Chairman on that decision and we re-take the first vote on amendment nine .
10 Textiles workers , Greater London Staff Association , Apex , tailor and garment workers , they were all wooed by other unions but they all had the good sense to merge into the G M B. In the next few months we 'll be joined by members of E F T A T. I am delighted that the Special E F T A T Conference voted in favour of the G M B. I welcome that decision and I pay tribute to the many colleagues who worked so hard to achieve that victory .
11 She said , well there was n't only one version of that y'know and she knew the lot and there were all the d slightly different versions y'know , on the country gate and things like that .
12 ‘ Kenny has been competing since the junior level and he has done so very successfully , ’ said Mr Sullivan .
13 The figure has now been recognised as a late fifteenth-century masterpiece and it has aroused some excitement in the art world , but there is still perplexity as to its author .
14 She felt him pushing her backwards on the overstuffed settee and she let him .
15 Sadly we 've lost the opportunity with a couple of groups , but there are still other group left in the fight , this union has the ideal opportunity to spearhead that fight and I ask Conference to support the motion .
16 What , why have you put down that you have your regional accent and I have an Irish accent ?
17 They 've got a body of about the right description and they 've gone to see Miss Morgan 's parents .
18 And , miraculously , there was little resistance and I stared in disbelief as the great organ disappeared gloriously and wonderfully from sight I was right behind it with my arm , probing frantically away up to the shoulder as I rotated my wrist again and again till both uterine cornua were fully involuted Ben I was certain beyond doubt that everything was back in place I lay there for a few moments , my arm still deep inside the sow , my forehead resting on the floor .
19 I really think they 're creating all that shit and who knows where it 's leading us
20 I think you mentioned earlier on in the meeting that some authorities have n't taken advantage of European money and we do n't want to fall into that trap .
21 Now I do n't think of us here and neither , certainly myself , I I would not claim to be any form of artist or expert but I think a lot of us can enjoy er getting our hands dabbling with paint erm paper mâché and other activities and in fact having that opportunity of ex enjoying those experiences that 's we ought to be able to offer to people in Cambridge and many peop children in schools they they do get opportunities but I think particularly amongst older people who 've never had that opportunity and I think you should be do so .
22 The Chairman will make sure that it stays going in that direction and everybody works together rather than against each other so you got a high score there you know and as we saw in the you might not think you 've got those Chairman 's skills but then what you did in the group where you were quite a central part of what was going on perhaps indicates that these can be developed .
23 and then he 's , he 's going out and they 're coming like that direction and he 's looked round and he 's seen the soldier , doing it , he 's gone and this is how I did it and then he put his , like this and he stuck his hands up and as his done that he 's got shot through the body from the side , what 's
24 The Women For Socialism Conference was an attempt to build some kind of an alliance or unity between left Labour women and women outside organising in Women 's groups across a fairly broad spectrum and it did n't succeed in the totality of its aims certainly .
25 Now there have been some allegations flying around that there are people in the parliamentary Labour Party who want to get rid of that link and I want to categorically say that there is no serious figure in the Labour Party who shares that opinion there 's no one in the G M B group who takes that view there 's no one in the Shadow Cabinet and what is more , I know from my own personal experience , and my dealings with him over thirty years , that there is no greater supporter of the trades union link than John Smith himself !
26 The cops think I 'm the right build and they suspect gorilla man wears a wig and false moustache sometimes and maybe false teeth too .
27 We 're all prone to do that , were all prone to take the line of least resistance and you find this not just in the truth but in any sort of community in life , in any area of life that wish to go , you , you may find this at work or at school , you youngsters , there 's always a little Johnny at the back is n't it , that , that will fit in the back row and think if I 'm back here teacher wo n't notice you see , were act were actually tuck himself up in the corner and er think well if I 'm , if I 'm up here nobody will notice me and see the day goes by and er we do n't have so much to do , those are the type of people that in , in , in a physical life er sort of going to sleep are n't they , they do n't want to accept responsibility and we , we find even in the truth , you 'll always find it in congregations like we have here in our congregation , we 're not different , we 're all the same are n't we , we 're all flesh and we 're all imperfect and we 're all prone to doing or wanting to do the things that are different or you know than , than what Jehovah wants us to do and we all want to tuck ourselves up a little corner sometimes and yet we should n't be like that and this is what the scriptures tell us and warn us about to put ourselves headlong into the truth , be whole sole , be awake , be alert , be vigilant to the things that are going on and there 's a lot going on in the truth at this particular time , things are changing , the scriptures tell us that the scene of the world is changing and that 's true is n't it ?
28 If he pays in first and then has to make an interim payment and he wants to make that payment out of the money in court , he must ask specifically for leave to do so and also to amend his notice of payment in so as to refer to the fact that some of the money has been paid out .
29 It had been a strange experience and he had felt how different this magical rite seemed compared with the church services he remembered from home .
30 It was a strange experience and I felt out of place , like the old duck out of water .
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