Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] of how the " in BNC.

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1 This case provides the clearest indication of how the popular press may trade in deciding the appropriate nickname for a new case when the Star decided to focus special attention on this rape of a 6-year-old ‘ He 's been called The Beast , The Monster , the evil sex maniac … .
2 Next day , La Clava carried the bloodthirsty story of how the king of one of the United Arab Emirates had murdered his brother for love of a gorgeous American woman named Maria Nuria Nussberg .
3 He began by indicating that Catholics , in general , had some experience of how the O.T .
4 Each of these chapters contained at least some description of how the concepts and techniques they described could be put to practical use to build up market knowledge .
5 Assignments should be devised to test both individual abilities and abilities to work as a member of a group ; in the latter case , when group assignments are submitted for moderation as part of the course assessment , moderators will require clear indication of how the contribution of individual students will be identified in the marking of the work .
6 After lunch they were given a detailed demonstration of how the Direct Banking system works and were so impressed that both accepted an invitation to join the service .
7 This treatment of cooking , reflected in the comments of these housewives , is a particularly clear demonstration of how the social denial of housework as work operates .
8 History of this sort , which offers to explain the relations between properties of societies , has been enormously successful in the past thirty years or so and provides a clear conception of how the underlying interest of holism can guide social enquiry .
9 But it is equally important , in the world of the late twentieth century , to form a clear conception of how the processes of political change in any one country or group of countries are located in an international network of political forces .
10 Then thirdly , there is this question of how the minority of non-elected members should be composed .
11 A comparatively cool Cytherean interior could account for the difference , though this raises the further question of how the Cytherean interior could be so much cooler than that of the Earth : has the tidal heating of the Earth 's interior by the Moon been important ( section 2.1.16 ) , or is the Cytherean interior depleted in the isotopes which can supply copious amounts of radioactive heat , namely , uranium , thorium and potassium ?
12 It is evident that the priests who served St Martin knew how to jade a horse and to attribute its state to the saint 's intervention ; and if Gibbon had had the slightest suspicion of how the miracle had been performed he would have used a much stronger form of irony than a mere italicizing of the word itself .
13 In fact , Hunter saw Chaplin as ‘ the Dickens of the films ’ and so gave another reminder of how the whole world of silent movies was moulded in the idiom of the great Victorian writer .
14 More probably , the mass desertion is another sign of how the people have lost faith in perestroika and its unfulfilled promises .
15 That was clear evidence of how the operation of the Trades Union Congress 's Bridlington principles can deny employees the chance to belong to the union of their choice .
16 It 's another example of how the bureaucracy ca n't be beaten . ’
17 Likewise ‘ Rorschach ’ is also another example of how the Horde could yet become a far more twisted guitar band .
18 This is yet another example of how the business most dealers attain is a tribute to their capacity for sounding convincing .
19 It is another example of how the racism which ties national culture to ethnic essences , which sees custom , law and constitution , schools and courts of justice beset by corrosive alien forces , has moved beyond the grasp of the old left/right distinction .
20 This is yet another example of how the present libel law favours the very rich , and will continue to do so in this respect unless damages are restricted to those primarily responsible for publication .
21 Er I I 'm most er grateful to my honourable friend for giving yet another example of how the social chapter has exported jobs out of the eleven into Britain .
22 " This is a clear example of how the strength of the environmental lobby directly threatens the long-term economic viability of our communities . "
23 As it is , the estimates by engineers this week of how the diverted lava will flow and how soon it might return to its old course will be based largely on guesswork .
24 A further example of how the interests of the powerful are enshrined in legislation which has the appearance of opposing them is provided by Carson 's ( 1974,1980 ) analysis of the Factory Regulation Act , 1833 .
25 The first chapter of this book gives an historical account of how the Romans came into contact with the art of the contemporary Hellenistic world .
26 The entrepreneurial hero and the worker drone together personify the mythic version of how the American economic system works .
27 A contribution to the theoretical analysis of how the speed of technology change interacts with the development of market structure .
28 His clear understanding of how the electrical ‘ capacity ’ of a conductor was increased by putting another , earthed , conductor nearby , and of the ‘ induced ’ charge then acquired by this second conductor , enabled him to devise a means by which small charges could be repeatedly ‘ doubled ’ until they were detectable .
29 From the outset , in this model , technological insights interact with perceptions of market needs and cost-benefit analyses to generate and maintain a clear understanding of how the innovation can be profitably introduced .
30 The main aims will be to : ( a ) identify particular commercial/legal problems of such magnitude as to cause the investor to withdraw or adjust its terms , including the price , either directly or indirectly through indemnities ; ( b ) flush out any unknown or understated liabilities and ensure the vendor will deliver good title ( free from encumbrances ) to the assets ; ( c ) ascertain more precisely the worth of the target business to the buyer and to provide an effective means of valuing the shares or the assets ; and ( d ) provide a clear understanding of how the business functions , including the operation of its financial and management systems .
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