Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] of [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had lived with miracles and wonderments all his life , ever since his uncle had told him something about the family 's history and the eternal presence of Seth in their lives .
2 LEBANON 'S Christian leader , General Michel Aoun , last night denounced a draft peace agreement produced by the country 's parliamentarians in the Saudi resort of Taif on the grounds that it did not set a timetable for the withdrawal of Syrian troops occupying the country since 1976 .
3 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) Assembly , comprising legislators from 16 member countries , elected Loïc Bouvard of France as president on Nov. 19 ; Bouvard , 63 , the first Frenchman to hold the post in 33 years , was elected for a two-year term to succeed Charles Rose , a member of the US Congress .
4 The broad division of SFX into optical and mechanical ( or physical ) does not imply a total distinction between the two : mechanical effects are frequently modified by optical means , and optical effects often rely on mechanical and electronic elements .
5 But he was by no means alone in Britain , for a combined silversmith and jeweller 's stock is known at the extensive settlement of Snettisham in Norfolk .
6 Adam of Eynsham , the biographer of St Hugh of Lincoln , gives us a revealing description of Richard in the last summer of his life .
7 Approached from the sea the effect was magnificent as the buildings extended from the lower Sanctuary of Asklepios to the middle city with its gymnasia , its agora and sacred precinct to the upper acropolis city with its important temples , steeply sloping theatre cut into the hillside and famous Altar of Zeus .
8 Jesus was divine in the sense that he was ‘ distinguished from all ( other men ) by the constant potency of his God-consciousness , which was a veritable existence of God in him ’ .
9 For instance , because of a decision of some bureaucrat in Moscow , oil extracted in Sakhalin island in the Far East is transported through ten time-zones to the European part of Russia for consumption by local industry instead of being sold to Japan , located next door .
10 She settled down to tell him how old Alan was while he leant forward , listening with pleasure to the slightly nasal accent of Stoke on Trent .
11 An example of just such an issue was provided by the controversial case of Bushell v.
12 From mid-July to the end of September 1940 , the Battle of Britain look place in the sky above that part of England within reach of German bomber and fighter planes .
13 It was far worse for the Arabs whose homes lay in that part of Palestine in which the United Nations had decided to locate the new state of Israel .
14 No distribution network in the world could have survived without damage the severe weather which struck that part of Britain in December 1990 , but the regional electricity company concerned , with help from other companies and from overseas , did what it could in the circumstances to connect those who were temporarily cut off .
15 She wondered what he was doing in that part of Paris on foot .
16 Bauer asked himself : what was the economic level of Romania in 1950 and what was the average annual income of Romanians then ?
17 Mr Winchester may well have a point , but he fails to mention the profitable presence of IBM in Japan , Hong Kong and Singapore .
18 As a young man he had walked past the University to light his lamps , but the Old College had gone , removed to the rural splendour of Gilmorehill in the 1860s .
19 The economic base of Japan as a whole remained overwhelmingly agrarian .
20 In elections to the regional parliament of Catalonia on March 15 , Jordi Pujol Soley was returned as president for a fourth term .
21 In elections to the regional parliament of Andalucia on June 23 the PSOE won an absolute majority with 61 of the 109 seats and 50 per cent of the vote .
22 As expected , Zviad Gamsakhurdia was re-elected as executive President of Georgia on May 26 in the republic 's first ever direct presidential election .
23 The new Supreme Soviet at its constituent session on Nov. 14 elected Round Table leader and veteran dissident Zviad Gamsakhurdia as executive President of Georgia by 232 votes to five .
24 His remarks gave offence to Bulgaria 's neighbour , Greece , whose ambassador was instructed to protest on the grounds that " the possible recognition of Skopje under the historical Greek name of Macedonia " constituted " an unfriendly stance with negative consequences for relations " .
25 He had represented the rural seat of Mid-Londonderry for eight years when , in 1953 , he challenged the incumbent MP for Foyle for the nomination .
26 Mathew Smithard got 1 , Mark Ford got two in a 4–0 rout of Darlington in the Northern Intermediate League .
27 The typefaces in our new design are those on this page : a classic cut of Baskerville for the main body of text , and Franklin Gothic for headlines ( in most parts of the paper ) .
28 Lordships in the heart of Plantagenet Aquitaine , as well as in the Agenais and the Gers , were thus held by the short-lived countess of Armagnac until her death in 1325 .
29 Her cheeks pink , she took a deep breath , and , enormously grateful for the solid bulk of Leo at her back , she stepped inside .
30 Uniform provinces and municipalities were the programme of radical liberalism in the Cortes of Cadiz ; the final redrafting of the political geography of Spain into provinces was the work of Javier de Burgos , admirer alike of Napoleonic administrative techniques and the enlightened servants of Charles III .
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