Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] of [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , the house of Foix-Béarn emerged as the neighbouring territorial power with the greatest measure of control over Bigorre and the important Pyrenean passes which lay within its boundaries .
2 But acceptance of this argument involves acceptance of the superiority of the higher , impersonal level of truth over the lower personal level of truth and the acknowledgment of two levels of knowledge .
3 Not that that in itself was a bad thing , she acknowledged — but she bitterly resented the fact that he , Adam Burns , should have that kind of influence over her .
4 This thorough stayer , bought out of Guy Harwood 's yard for 25,000 guineas , was a decent staying handicapper on the Flat and will be very hard to beat if reproducing that kind of form over hurdles .
5 Even her father could n't exert that kind of power over her .
6 ‘ It 's his pleasure , ’ he said , ‘ that figure of mischief over there , to blow any piece of rubbish out of his mouth and challenge me to return it .
7 It is important that the purpose of this criticism should not be misunderstood ; the theoretical and experimental contributions that the Aplysia group have made to the cellular study of memory over the past two decades have been substantial , but the very intellectual certainty of the group and the charisma of its leader have tended to suppress some of its problems and sideline those who have articulated them .
8 If I had developed some measure of showmanship over the years , I felt it was not much use to me or anyone else while I sat in my office and let junior producers have all the fun .
9 For the first time , it appeared , Mrs Thatcher had some measure of command over her own Cabinet .
10 While all disciplines have disputes over what constitutes worthwhile and well-founded knowledge , what holds each together is some measure of agreement over the boundaries in which such disagreements arise .
11 The state was forced to assume some measure of control over distribution of food and levels of profits , and thus intervene in the market .
12 A court must be able to exercise some measure of control over the cases which are brought before it , to prevent injustice to either party and to ensure that the various issues can be fully and effectively dealt with .
13 Other authors give a micro perspective , from the community level ; Hester van der Walt and Janet Pelly give examples of efforts to allow given populations some measure of control over local health services .
14 Many writers in this issue and many community health workers in general would readily admit the importance of the political setting of health care and the importance of the political will of states to encourage/allow their citizens some measure of control over their health , another constant factor in this question of control .
15 Fourth , the holder of a floating charge will have some measure of control over the company even without taking any steps to enforce it .
16 She wanted to have some measure of control over her own productivity — which she could exercise by walking more quickly or slowly .
17 Harmonic schemes on a larger scale , spanning large movements or in successions of movements , also require planning , for some change of key over a large area is needed to create contrast and relief .
18 Section 40(1) of the Patents Act 1977 permits an employee inventor to apply to either tribunal for a single or periodic award of compensation over and above the salary he is already earning .
19 At that moment I did have some kind of advantage over him , because I knew a little more about some things than he did .
20 ‘ Do you think that gives you some kind of hold over me ?
21 During the autumn and winter keep the compost from drying out completely , which means providing some kind of protection over the plant .
22 Virginia found herself desperately hoping Guy would be back at Armscott Manor , because suddenly she was possessed with a burning need to talk to him , build some kind of bridge over the chasm she 'd caused with her accusation over Farthingdales .
23 It should be noted that what I have called a two-stage golden thread approach implies that human beings have some kind of control over what they will say is right .
24 Somehow if I could only know what he was doing and who he was seeing , that gave me some kind of control over the situation .
25 The shire and hundred meetings may have been able to exercise some kind of control over this , although a king who allowed himself and his servants too much leeway would have been difficult to oppose directly .
26 And , although I was instantaneously and utterly in love with you — and quite determined that we should marry as soon as possible — I have been trying my damnedest to keep some kind of control over my emotions . ’
27 In the 1980s , the tendency for political power to be concentrated at the centre has been carried a stage further by a prime minister sufficiently determined and resourceful to achieve a high level of dominance over her cabinet colleagues .
28 This gave a k value of 0.72 , which shows a very high level of agreement over the six categories .
29 He subsequently concluded that , in spite of his own intentions , it was still too deeply coloured by the thought of Kierkegaard and Heidegger , that it gave faith a wrong kind of priority over revelation in the arrangement of its material , and that its account of faith was more Existentialist than Christian .
30 Effective study does not mean reading twice as fast ( one measure of efficiency ) or writing twice as much in a given time period ( another measure of output over input ) .
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