Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] that had to " in BNC.

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1 The remedial action that had to be taken was painful in the extreme but it saved ICI Fibres and put it in a position of strength for the future .
2 Severe reactions were encountered on two occasions to citrus fruits ( high in salicylate ) but further progress was hampered by obstruction at the old anastomosis that had to be refashioned in 1986 .
3 Another layer that had to be pierced was the mystique that surrounded Rock and Ice routes .
4 As a technology expert Vine-Lott takes no pleasure in saying that he warned that Taurus , the paperless sharedealing scheme that had to be abandoned earlier this year at a cost of hundreds of millions of pounds was never going to work the way it was being developed .
5 This was , this is what I call an optimistic view , and this was Rousseau 's view of human nature , that basically people were good , and er , cooperative , and it was the bad things in human nature that had to be explained , not the good .
6 The showmen created an entertainment and annexed an audience in a spectacular initial burst , but , of course , they were not operating in a vacuum and there was one major hurdle that had to be overcome before their victory could be regarded as complete and of permanent rather than fleeting significance .
7 And put together , all the legal paperwork that had to be filled out for the approval was 31 metres long .
8 For him it was like a gigantic acrostic , an alchemist 's shop where each object had a mysterious value , an inner history that had to be deduced , unravelled , guessed at .
9 On each card she wrote one task that had to be performed , and filed them in sections .
10 Perhaps the most difficult problem that had to be sorted out in 1689 concerned the settlement in the Church .
11 The canal took 18 years to complete , twice as long as Telford had forecast , and cost more than double what he had estimated , but it was an outstanding engineering achievement for the time , even though the actual length of genuine canal that had to be dug was only 21 miles , since the navigable channel took advantage of existing lochs along the glen .
12 The new ground that had to be broken in terms of the aerodynamics , structure , passenger handling facilities and runway bearing strength of these weighty monsters represents only a small fraction of the problems that beset the regulating authorities not only in the USA , where most of them are built , but throughout the world in all the places where they operate .
13 But er and other times we were just we were working to you know , quite late you know if the there was a special job that had to be out you know .
14 The announcement , though , set off a wave of sympathetic outrage that had to be seen , and heard , to be believed .
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