Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] that have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The remedial action that had to be taken was painful in the extreme but it saved ICI Fibres and put it in a position of strength for the future .
2 Although the Victoria was not an especially large establishment , it backed onto an old warehouse that had at one time been split down the middle and then divided up into a series of small rooms that all opened onto a single long corridor .
3 Severe reactions were encountered on two occasions to citrus fruits ( high in salicylate ) but further progress was hampered by obstruction at the old anastomosis that had to be refashioned in 1986 .
4 When the law starts coming along , it brings in another factor that has to be contended with .
5 Another layer that had to be pierced was the mystique that surrounded Rock and Ice routes .
6 I 've got it , I 'm only going by what Betty wrote little things in erm this book that has to be done .
7 As a technology expert Vine-Lott takes no pleasure in saying that he warned that Taurus , the paperless sharedealing scheme that had to be abandoned earlier this year at a cost of hundreds of millions of pounds was never going to work the way it was being developed .
8 Local councillor Edmund Pearson said : ‘ This is the most crucial decision that has to be made since the land became used for sport . ’
9 ‘ I 'm not sure exactly how much relevance that has to visitors , ’ he said .
10 The land-based multi-warhead er missiles is a real issue that has to be tackled , er and they may either go for , this is very much up in the air , go for er distinct cuts in er Start one , or they may talk about limitations and then go for a Start two treaty .
11 One reason why these categories have proved of little practical value is that particular individuals may shift from one to another over the course of time , a fact which also illustrates an additional distinction that has to be made in describing schizophrenia .
12 Er , My Lord we will obviously calculate such interest that has to be calculated er and figures have to be sorted out and will be agreed if that is appropriate , er and we 'll also consider whether it 's proper er to seek to achieve a structured settlement .
13 Next to a spectacular variegated honesty that has to be sown from seed are a rare Acanthus dioscoridis and a Helleborus abchasicus .
14 This was , this is what I call an optimistic view , and this was Rousseau 's view of human nature , that basically people were good , and er , cooperative , and it was the bad things in human nature that had to be explained , not the good .
15 He also points to the ecological problems that this industrialisation of farming and forestry has brought about , to the increased reliance that has to be placed on chemical pest and disease control under monocultures .
16 The showmen created an entertainment and annexed an audience in a spectacular initial burst , but , of course , they were not operating in a vacuum and there was one major hurdle that had to be overcome before their victory could be regarded as complete and of permanent rather than fleeting significance .
17 And Virgin 's boss says there 's a great deal that has to be done to stop more deaths in the crisis zone .
18 So there is also a recognition of values in determining the ethos of a school , and of the very powerful effect that has on children 's achievement . ’
19 Yes , I readily accept that , er my general proposition is in er connection with the settlement pattern of York , and it is necessary clearly to have er careful regard to that existing settlement pattern , erm if I may refer to the helpful plan that has in fact been produced , I believe by the County Council , it is in fact an appendix to B two zero zero four , er this plan does actually indicate the general extent of the settlements outside the outer ring road of York .
20 Ian Paisley was one potential leader of the right wing , but there were others and a key question that has to be asked in any explanation of Paisley 's career is ‘ how did Paisley triumph over other right-wing unionist figures ? ’
21 This is the mental adjustment that has to be made at Verdon — you start your route with several hundred metres already below you , but once you rationalise this it 's just a steep , very solid crag !
22 Since the transaction is such a large one , involving the acquisition of land and buildings , there is a strict legal code that has to be followed to ensure a watertight purchase or sale .
23 The undodgeable thing that has to be done with the economy
24 And put together , all the legal paperwork that had to be filled out for the approval was 31 metres long .
25 By the time this mill was built , it was possible to use an iron windshaft and gears instead of the all-timber machinery that had for centuries been such a tribute to the skills and ingenuity of millwrights and carpenters .
26 Even a temporary relapse back to old behaviour and its damaging consequences may itself hopefully be a therapeutic process because it acts as a reminder that recovery is a continuing process that has to be worked for on a continuing basis by each and every recovering person .
27 The selection of hymns is the most important choice that has to be made by those responsible for worship .
28 The more effort that has to be put into these component skills , the less processing space there is for monitoring the procedure — i.e. , taking the message as a cognitive object and scrutinizing it for possible inconsistencies .
29 This is another important paradox that has to be dealt with in family counselling .
30 I think , Chairman , that 's still subject to approval by the E A B , erm , which is at the end of the day , the important party that has to be satisfied , so , these are very successful negotiations , but we , we 're still awaiting erm , confirmation they 've been accepted .
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