Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] for our [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We have the best trained , the best qualified law enforcement officers that can be found in any major city in the world so we have always been able to maintain solid protection for our community without having the comparable size departments that other cities have , ’ he says .
2 She somebody has fenced it off , she says I could see them far enough , she said , we always had that bit for our camp and it was further down the glen .
3 To an extent it is this explosion of the curriculum which has contributed to the moves towards a more standardised , coherent curriculum for our schools and to demands that teachers be subject to a system of appraisal .
4 They both express the same , slightly ironic , delight in the munificence of old houses : Cobbett , when walking through the Duke of Buckingham 's park , remarks in a manner that anticipates Harold Skimpole 's : ‘ I , like POPE 'S cock in the farm-yard , could not help thanking the DUKE and DUCHESS for having generously made such ample provision for our pleasure .
5 Although cholecystitis stopped in the three months follow up in that case , we did not consider this technique for our patient because of her history of fistulas .
6 We 've chosen er British Rail for our slot as opposed to Waterstones .
7 Goebbels 's rhetoric that ‘ the German people has never looked up to its Führer so full of belief as in the days and hours that it became aware of the entire burden of this struggle for our life ’ , and that far from being discouraged ‘ it stood all the more firmly and unerringly behind his great aims ’ , sounded even emptier than usual .
8 Reality , in York as elsewhere , means precious little public protection for our pubs and heavy reliance on the better nature of the brewers credit — brewers such as Samuel Smith 's , for for their loving and appropriately ‘ benign neglect ’ of a low-barrelage , unpretentious gem like The Wellington Inn in Alma Terrace , York .
9 There is some corroboration for our conclusion in previous research , however : at the 1983 election Gunter , Svennevig and Wober ( 1986 , p. 119 ) found that ‘ whilst television clearly emerged from among various sources of information about politics as the major source , it seemed to be relatively less important in the decision-making process of which way to vote ’ .
10 On closer inspection there was quite a muddle between ‘ Chinese imperialism ’ and ‘ Vietminh military operations ’ , but it seems to have been an elementary mistake to base the assessment entirely on capability rather than intention , which the paper admitted , and was an extraordinary foundation for Rusk 's conclusion which was that : ‘ Above all , we can not afford to jeopardise the considerable measure of success our policy has already had in Indo-China by neglecting to provide the proper maintenance for our investment . ’
11 Sadly , we chose a day of light wind for our sail with Mary , and there was no need to use the water ballast at all .
12 I want to take the initiative a step further , which is why I am now appealing for other British companies to join us in providing this help for our troops .
13 What is the significance of this issue for our subject ?
14 There was less violence , the ‘ appels ’ were not so severe , and we spent much more time in the classroom doing theoretical work for our exams .
15 In this fable for our computer age , a computer freak Joe Jenkins becomes obsessed by a computer game in which he has to save a goldfish .
16 Mr. Murphy : Does not the so-called initiative for our valleys involve more fantasy than reality ?
17 ‘ It is another punishment for our rebellion . ’
18 Work with old people which does not acknowledge this is based on a denial of reality , which does not provide a sound basis for our efforts .
19 But by portraying those of us who have sought conductive education for our children as unthinking lemmings dashing off for a dose of Hungarian miracle water , Dr Oliver 's polemic does us — and conductive education — less than justice .
20 With her sophisticated electronics and sleek grey hull capable of speeds far in excess of anything we had previously experienced in the Cutter Service , it was an exciting prospect for our crews when Alert was commissioned in 1977 .
21 The results of this research will have practical implications for current educational programmes aimed at the prevention of sexual and other forms of child abuse , and theoretical significance for our understanding of children 's theory of mind .
22 Athos Hotel — social centre for our Dinghy holidays
23 Erm the bonus element of the Pearson scheme is highly leveraged we are very keen to achieve above-average performance for our shareholders and let me give you an example , if in nineteen ninety erm Pearsons as a company achieved say five percent growth in earnings per share erm the directors ' remuneration , and by the way that 's not a forecast so I want to make that absolutely clear , it 's just an illustration if earnings per share increase by five percent and you could say , er , therefore we would expect directors ' remuneration to be perhaps increased by five percent that would n't be the case at all our directors ' salaries would actually halve erm , Ill say that again , directors ' total take home pay would halve because the salary element would n't , would n't alter .
24 The AMS hotels are all highly recommended and are a very popular choice for our clients .
25 Another reason for our inability to give accurate figures is due to the prevalence of several other types of population movement , some of them on a huge scale , although extended over a longer period .
26 As so often happens with VIP ; s on board , the weather suddenly changed to high summer for our passage down the west coast , and as we cleared Rhu Rheidh with the dramatic back drop of the Wester Ross mountains astern , and a calm blue sea ahead , the world seemed a different place .
27 It is frightening how dependent upon drugs we are all becoming and how easy it is for doctors to prescribe them as the universal panacea for our ills .
28 That is the acceptable and proper way for our society to be preserved and maintained . '
29 1992 was clearly a painful year for our operations in California in both trading terms and job losses .
30 Another customer for our wine , Rohan ?
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