Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] have been on " in BNC.

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1 Funding for research of this kind has been on a scale not approached by any other area of sociological enquiry .
2 In fact a more limited regime of this kind has been on the Soviet agenda for the Mediterranean for many years .
3 As has already been noted , however , most of this research has been on villages , rather than the more difficult scattered settlements ; the atypical patterns , such as the strings of villages in chalkland valleys , have received a disproportionate amount of attention ( Fig 15 )
4 While much of the focus in this chapter has been on manufacturing where the reliance on small producers is relatively unusual among advanced economies , the small firm is dominant in many other sectors .
5 The midwife said to me , ‘ This child has been on this earth before ’ and I thought that was rather an odd thing to say , but the midwife seemed quite adamant .
6 India has a number of diseases all her own , but if there is any suggestion that a foreign filly has been on the loose in a British stud she is rejected as unclean .
7 But this CD has been on my player many times since it arrived .
8 But since that time British manufacturing has been on a strengthening long-term trend . ’
9 Up to now the emphasis in this book has been on demonstrating ways in which social workers can help maintain a vulnerable elderly person in the community , by working with the client and family network .
10 But most of the English fleet had been on Parliament 's side during the Civil War , and in 1650 the Republic decided it was strong enough to impose an embargo on trade and send out an expedition to make Virginia and the West Indian islands acknowledge its authority .
11 From everything she says , it 's clear this gilgul 's been on the scene for quite a while — there is no way she could have learned what she 's learned , cleaned up her act and become who she is now if the only time she 's had to do it in was the brief interval between our confrontation at the Mephistco stand and her appearance on the beach at Bournemouth .
12 The chief emphasis has been on instructing children in the use of the library and to a lesser extent on the promotion of reading amongst schoolchildren .
13 The offending blob had been on the left side of the X-ray as I had looked at it , and I had assumed that it was my left lung that was affected .
14 I 'm pleased that the Divisional Championship has been on everybody 's lips around this time each year .
15 She felt cold , although the central heating had been on all morning , and took a large brown woollen shawl out of a drawer and wrapped it round her as she sat in the beanbag and listened .
16 Once , not long ago , an old film called National Velvet had been on television and when the young Elizabeth Taylor appeared on the screen he had at once been sharply reminded of Mary — and had exited , not with the escape key but with the switch on the set .
17 Over the past few weeks , their National Team has been on a British Tour and wherever they play , the house is packed .
18 The possibility that the CAB basic training course should become a recognised certificated qualification has been on the agenda .
19 Her last large expenditure had been on a Royal Doulton tea-service .
20 There are those who would tell you that BMW 's reputation for first-class finish has been on thin ice for some time but , until now , we 've seen little evidence to substantiate the claim .
21 Two hundred thousand roubles in the hold-all and out into the street and into the car where the engine ticked snugly and into the traffic … and the stupid bitch had been on the pedestrian crossing , and her bags filled both hands , and she had frozen , not stepped back , and the car had hit her , swerved , crashed .
22 The notion that Pretty Polly was simply beaten by a better horse at the distance on the day was well down the list of possible explanations for her defeat , and George Lambton aired the widely held view that jockeyship had proved the decisive factor : Bachelor 's Button ‘ was a sterling good horse , especially at Ascot , but he was not a Persimmon , and if a real good jockey had been on Pretty Polly I think she might just have scrambled home . ’
23 A common agricultural policy had been on the agenda of Europe ever since Sicco Mansholt had put forward an early version to the Council of Europe in 1950 , though its roots lay further back in time in a series of discussions sponsored by the European Movement .
24 The former pairing has been on the cards ever since critics fingered Penn as the brat who would be Bob but the latter seems less plausible .
25 One of the reasons for the improvement in pedestrian safety on the Continent over the past decade , is that the focus of traffic calming work has been on the areas where most people live , that is on existing , not new , residential areas .
26 Certainly some , like British Telecommunications , gas , electricity and water , produced spectacular financial results , but the lasting impact has been on the businesses themselves .
27 The first psychiatrist had been on the National Health , but he was useless .
28 Ever since the first public park was opened at Ormeau on Easter Saturday 1871 , the commitment to providing public open space has been on the increase .
29 The more recent stress has been on identifying values in the curriculum , and not limiting them to religious or moral education classes .
30 The recent rainfall will be in his favour , as his best form has been on ground with a cut in it .
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