Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [be] need [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A two-thirds majority is needed in the General Synod when voting takes place next Wednesday .
2 A two-thirds majority is needed in each house of the General Synod when voting takes place next Wednesday .
3 This weapon was not as significant as it seemed : a two-thirds majority was needed for the vote to succeed ; the EC budget , despite the costs of the CAP , only amounted to one per cent of the Community 's GDP ; and , if the budget was rejected , the Commission would still have the right to spend money on a month-by-month basis .
4 The vote on Jan. 22 by the US House of Representatives to override the presidential veto on the student bill provoked an angry reaction from China , and on Jan. 25 the US Senate narrowly voted to sustain Bush 's veto ; a two-thirds majority was needed in both houses of Congress to overturn a presidential veto .
5 At the opening ceremony , director Howard Newby said that global warming was one of the most important threats facing humanity and that research was needed into how global warming could be slowed and its effects managed .
6 Some judgement is needed about the risk element , in deciding whether or not to launch the product .
7 This monitoring was needed in order to guarantee to the electors in a local authority that an appropriate service was being provided .
8 For the most part MA atrophies and consequently the media in recent insects is generally MP , although it is usually designated by the symbol M. The Odonata and Plecoptera , however , seem to be unusual in retaining MA and not MP , while further research is needed into the constitution of the media in other Orthopteroid insects .
9 More specifically they suggested that the impact of change will vary differentially over the earth 's surface , and that further research is needed on likely consumption of fossil fuel in the next century , on prospective modes of management of the global biosphere over the next century , on quantitative clarification of the carbon cycle , on climatic response to increasing CO 2 in the atmosphere , and on the potential impact of climatic change ( Nature and Resources , 1981 ) .
10 Further research is needed in this area and it is possible that important abnormalities in the ‘ modulating ’ apoproteins may be found .
11 It is evident that further research is needed in this little-researched area .
12 Theoretical research is needed on methodology questions within several simple models .
13 On the other hand , the land was less crowded : migrant foreign labour was needed on the Prussian estates at some seasons .
14 While we recognise that more detailed research is needed on the relationship between housing choice , employment location and transport demands , certain factors are beginning to emerge .
15 Further investment is needed at the colliery , which reopened last year when 160 miners invested £10,000 each to form the consortium .
16 Further work is needed at the conceptual level in this area to determine the exact nature of the constraints required .
17 A transformer of this type is needed with a power supply that has push-pull full-wave rectification ( the type that uses only two rectifiers ) .
18 After consultation with the Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland ( the glen is an SSSI ) and British Alcan ( who own it ) ; and with the help from the Glen Nevis ranger service and master footpath repairer Bob Aitken , the centre will erect low-key waymarking to minimise damage and monitor the situation in case remedial work is needed in the future .
19 If this pitfall is to be avoided , it is suggested that careful attention is needed to the way in which normalisation is being interpreted .
20 We shall see in Section 21.5 that some qualification of this concept is needed for the motion in the vicinity of a solid boundary .
21 As with agents , it is important for the manufacturer to develop a good working relationship with the overseas distributor as commitment to the commercial relationship is needed from both sides .
22 The desire or need for a fresh start arose either because , as in the United States , some neighbouring communities wished to unite together under a new government ; or because , as in Austria or Hungary or Czechoslovakia after 1918 , communities had been released from an Empire as the result of a war and were now free to govern themselves ; or because , as in France in 1789 or the U.S.S.R. in 1917 , a revolution had made a break with the past and a new form of government on new principles was desired ; or because , as in Germany after 1918 or in France in 1875 or in 1946 , defeat in war had broken the continuity of government and a fresh start was needed after the war .
23 Finally , we must not ignore the fact that research and careful planning is needed in order to devise extensive husbandry systems that are humane , commercially feasible and protective of the environment .
24 Are you saying that this combination of vocal and physical training stems from the demands of the classical play , like Richard III , or do you think a different approach is needed for the modern writer ?
25 It was obvious that further space was needed for Sunday School work and by 1911 an extension , 17′ x 30′ was planned at the back of the church .
26 This separation has caused considerable difficulties and again fresh legislation was needed in 1977 to provide adequate procedures for housing the homeless ( Alexander 1982a:53 ; 1982b:69 ) .
27 In this case , however , careful thought is needed about the cover against unexpected death .
28 The operation of the control room equipment requires a degree of skill and understanding and therefore some specialised training is needed for anyone who is expected to use even a very simple two-camera set-up .
29 Some care is needed with interpretation .
30 The Bill to abolish the Scheme was meanwhile being rushed through Parliament , and a fresh ballot was needed for the strike .
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