Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [be] [pers pn] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 This enigma was hers to unravel , and sharing it too soon , perhaps at all , might make the solving impossible .
2 Had the advance been sustained , perhaps Catalonia would have fallen quickly ; instead Franco — possibly , in the tense international atmosphere of mid-1938 , fearing actual French intervention were he to approach the French frontier — turned south towards Valencia , only to find his offensive halted by Republican resistance .
3 The point is that normally such parents would prefer that their babies were not defective and would welcome a non-controversial cure were it to become available .
4 Whether , of course , I would have taken this view were I to have had someone in my squadron who turned LMF is open to question , When I reflect on the young aircrew that I helped to train in 1940 at Kinloss , some 10 years younger than myself , I marvel that the conversation stage was the last stint before they were to confront a highly lethal opponent .
5 Those U.S. immigration officials who inquire suspiciously if you have a permanent address to go to and sufficient funds to keep you going for 90 days would be providing a more humanitaran service were they to refuse admission to anyone unable to produce documentary proof of passing a course in how to order a American-style breakfast .
6 You will need to consider , not just your future retirement income , but also any extras that may be part and parcel of your existing company scheme : an early retirement option ; a pension before normal age were you to become ill ; protection for your dependants should you unexpectedly die .
7 What possible answer is it to say that there will be professional advice ?
8 It 's only standard practice ( you 'd get the same treatment were we to interview you ) and has nothing to do with fawning over ‘ stars ’ .
9 The success of Heseltine 's switch of focus was illustrated by a succession of opinion polls in the days leading up to the leadership ballot , all indicating that there would be a huge swing to the Conservative Party were he to become leader .
10 Would they shake hands and agree to forget the whole thing were he to do so ?
11 ‘ Whose damned silly idea was it to use the fork ? ’ he asked thickly .
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