Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [conj] only a " in BNC.

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1 He was running what was mostly a sixties disco with a sprinkling of classic rock and only a few recent standards .
2 Some guides are indeed very brief , suggesting visits at breakneck speed where only a few items or rooms will be seen .
3 But this was such specialized work that only a lucky few got it , none of them women .
4 However , no more than about a dozen viruses have been produced on a commercial scale and only a few of these have been used on more than a few hundred hectares per year .
5 CHEMICALS companies have made further cuts in capital spending this year and only a modest improvement is in prospect next year before a further fall in 1994 , according to an industry survey published yesterday .
6 Innocent moved within the framework of the old doctrine that only a general council could declare or pronounce on the faith ( Isidore of Seville ) , establish doctrine and condemn heresies .
7 However , it should be noted at this stage that only a minority of elderly patients are heated by the geriatric services .
8 There was a certain warmth and cosiness in this great dilapidated old house that only a gentle soul could create .
10 It is necessary by way of preface to emphasise that in no circumstances can in-house benefits give rise to no taxable benefit or only a small taxable benefit if that benefit is to be assessed on an average cost basis .
11 Mrs Hatton , even more expertly , kept it under a piteous control that only a brute would have the brashness to disregard .
12 A recruit of eighteen years old was unthinkable ; he would become a puissant man but only a runt among his superhuman peers .
13 Tears were a kind of emotional richness that only a man who was really warm and human could afford .
14 This was a famous and magnificent building but only a small , well preserved , portion remains .
15 Although some of these issues went beyond the main remit of his Inquiry , he drew the conclusion from this basic finding that only a national government-led initiative to deal with problems of policing , unemployment , poor housing , and racial disadvantage could get to the roots of the unrest .
16 This morphology does not lend itself to analysis after conventional staining since only a few of the autosomes show distinguishing features in the form of secondary constrictions ( Figure 3a ) and , of the sex chromosomes , only the Y of some strains can be recognized by virtue of occasionally visible unique features ( Figure 3a ) .
17 Only ten per cent of the items in the Hatfields store were made from the tropical hard wood and only a minute proportion of those goods were made from solid mahogany .
18 No camera lens can match the flexibility of the human eye and only a few experiments in stereoscopy attempt two-eyed ( binocular ) vision , essential to true 3-D perception .
19 The lottery business is basically a very very small business with limited competition , and for a state the size of California it makes it very difficult to have large competition because only a certain number of companies can actually put in a system of this size .
20 Of course , one cornerstone of this model of the structure of heroin ‘ epidemics ’ is the questionable assumption that only a certain proportion of the population are likely to take heroin , the corollary assumption being that the ‘ epidemic ’ must have a life cycle because it will eventually exhaust the pool of potential heroin users .
21 About four in 10 companies provide rented accommodation but only a fifth provide a housing allowance .
22 It is appalling to hear a doctor describe , with the detailed anatomical knowledge that only a doctor can have , exactly what happened to his poor body when he was tortured ceaselessly , unendingly , with just short gaps to let him regain consciousness , for weeks on end .
23 These books show us a great adventure that only a few people undertake and finish .
24 Yeah it 's just a small volume , you 've just got one channel for , yeah currently I 'm in pretty good shape but only a year ago I had a major bypass operation .
25 Social conventions would clearly be of little use if only a small proportion of members was aware of them , and the same holds for the interpretative rules which guide the manner in which meanings are attached to objects and situations .
26 For too long now , she had been starved of one particular need , the kind a respectable woman should not dwell on for too long , a deep-down need that only a man could satisfy .
27 The reports have attracted considerable publicity although only a tiny proportion of the reports have been debated in the House .
28 ‘ There 's something about its jizz which makes me think it 's a … ’ is a very handy phrase when only a brief glimpse of the bird has been caught .
29 Men may wish to use a jacket for one piece and only a sweater for the other .
30 Most people who abuse alcohol will develop hepatic steatosis but only a few alcoholics develop more serious forms of liver disease — hepatitis , fibrosis , and cirrhosis .
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