Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [be] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Critics of Guerreiro 's dismissal , however , stated that this decision was for foreign consumption , and pointed out that it was Collor himself who had delayed the boundary decision by six months in order to give FUNAI more time to study the region .
2 This action was for wrongful dismissal but the same principle applies in a claim for damages for personal injury .
3 The two parts of this figure are for different values of the Prandtl number .
4 Available straight or with honey , this vinegar is for general cooking and dressings for salads , including apples .
5 There are naked kouroi from the region , some from Samos colossal , but the marked preference is for clothed figures : an occasional draped kouros ( something rare on the mainland or the Cyclades ) ; but female figures are far more frequent , and they show a concern with the rendering of stuff and its relation to the body , clinging or hanging free , quite different from anything we have yet seen .
6 Presidents , naturally , do not want to be seen to condone the taking of drugs ; the public temper is for stiff penalties and the locking up of offenders , not tender care .
7 everybody thought that this agency was for runaway dads .
8 Note that this allowance is for independent monsters which are assumed to be magically bound , trained , or otherwise loyal to your cause .
9 This section is for permanent residents ; I brought you here first because if it had got out that you had been here and had n't seen this lot my life would n't have been worth living .
10 So I think I 'm asking for just a bit more , more talks and where there is a , a home or homes in a rural area that may be the only home in that area , so it is available to local people that Social Services come in and there in an understanding in planning authorities first and now the actual criteria we 're working on because most local people will think that home is for local people .
11 Marina Sirtis who plays Deanna Troi gets letters asking if her ‘ amazing cleavage is for real ’ .
12 Many still felt that the chief need was for full employment and adequate pay , which would enable the working class to provide for their own needs and to retain their independence of state control ; though they were prepared to accept immediate state help for those whose needs could not be met in this way , such as the aged .
13 The second method is for central planning to make the master plan and then to hand over the outlines of a sub-plan to the departments who fill in the details of their own sub-plan .
14 An FA spokesman said : ‘ A player dismissed for two bookable offences receives a one-match ban , unless his second offence is for violent conduct . ’
15 My real preference is for Surrealist work , though watered down a bit .
16 Whether it 's AC/DC , Metallica or Kiss that are making guitar sounds you like , leave it ; it 's a favourite noise , like the hiss of a record needle on the vinyl before the song starts , which excites me with anticipation , even though the contemporary trend is for noise-free recording .
17 ‘ He just makes a mockery of those who write players off at 32 or say the Premier League is for young athletes .
18 It should be noted however , that the serial layout is for illustrative purposes only : the syntactic and semantic analysers can and have been run effectively in parallel .
19 ‘ Our greatest need is for additional staff resources .
20 Certainly there may be the odd chart or graph thrown in for luck but the basic requirement is for high quality text .
21 From the publication , in 1946 , of his book The Affairs of the Poles Osmanczyk 's constant call was for Polish-German reconciliation as one of the essential steps towards the creation of a new , permanently conflict-free Europe .
22 The usual procedure was for sympathetic teachers to provide branches in their areas with lists of school-leavers each of whom was then interviewed at home with his or her parents by a ‘ visitor ’ who discussed the general employment situation with them , urging the importance of continued education and inviting the parents to make a formal application to the committee for assistance .
23 The key recommendation is for new legislation , in the form of a fresh National Parks Act , stressing conservation and " quiet enjoyment " as the priorities in Park management .
24 Apart from plants and bogwood for shelter , the major requirement is for clean , well-filtered water .
25 With Charles 's appearance , Walahfrid 's tone becomes more specific , warmer and more personal : I saw too how lovely Rachel led forward Benjamin , comfort of his ancestors , with her right hand , in due order : His great well-being is for long to nurture someone 's holy old-age .
26 The current plan is for single pricing , in place of offer and bid prices , with the initial charge added on for buyers .
27 said : ‘ Seventy-five per cent of our current output is for pharmaceutical companies and 90 per cent of the effort on new product development is for pharmaceuticals . ’
28 We believe a reasonable target is for civil R&D to increase from the present 1.8 per cent to 2.5 per cent of GDP .
29 His greatest passion was for spreading education , and the good works he did in this field were prodigious in number and scope ; he was instrumental in the work of the Day Continuation Schools , the London Schools ' Swimming Association , the London Shakespeare League , and the Men 's Institutes .
30 Roast beef was for literary lunches .
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