Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [pron] have in " in BNC.

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1 Privately police officers have told us , decisions on cautioning can depend on how much or how little faith they have in the courts to pass adequate sentences , and on how much paper work is required for a prosecution .
2 If that trend continued , her father would definitely lose what little faith he had in her abilities .
3 As with all regulations , there are a few on the fringe who are willing to exploit the weaknesses of planning authorities or , in this case , the inherent difficulty they have in using their powers quickly and effectively .
4 In each case it had in effect been ruled that Gen Robertson 's order of 14 May would apply , and that 5 Corps could continue with arrangements already entered into hand over both Cossacks and Yugoslavs but only in each case , so lob as force did not have to be used .
5 We said if you want to abuse your bodies , we 're going to take every bloody pound you have in your pocket away with you , with the most modern medical treatment , bowels .
6 It would of course be possible to give them to clarinets and bassoons ( let us hope that no one would wish to use an oboe for the top note of the chords — it would be terribly nasal and obtrusive here , on its bottom notes ) , but the low-placed clarinets would sound rather hollow and ‘ woody ’ for the rich effect we have in mind .
7 When they came to the apartment , Mary-Claude was cooking up a storm in the kitchen , Sarah was squalling in her crib in the front bedroom and in the back it was wall-to-wall Star Wars , with all the electronic gear we had in there .
8 He went back to his cell gladly , and I hope he 'll sleep until all this business we have in hand after Mass is finished and done .
9 He was out to reveal a spunky , sparky , spontaneous self which had in fact never existed .
10 He said you 've got all these men , straight lines with the vegetables and that and er he 's got his , you know , rows and rows of different stuff he has in .
11 Miller only credited Bartram with a few plants in the Dictionary : Lilium philadelphum , ‘ at present very rare in English gardens ’ , Toxicodendron serratum , ‘ not yet flowered ’ and Veratrum americanum , another rarity which had in a good season both flowered and seeded in this country .
12 Erm and it would in in us suggesting to the county council that they consider this policy we had in no way expected it to result in in in wholesale de erm development .
13 The only US Senate seat at issue , in Pennsylvania , was won by the Democrat Harris Wofford , who overcame an early 44-point opinion poll deficit to take 55 per cent of the vote against Dick Thornburgh , a former two-term governor who had in June announced his resignation as Attorney General in order to enter the contest [ see p. 38279 ] .
14 If only we had something of the social sense they had in Germany , we might manage to give our young people the experiences they ought to have … [ in Germany ] the rambling movement … [ has ] reached enormous proportions — 2,500 hostels provide shelter for 6d per night … .
15 But it is unlikely — despite disclosure of business rules — that the less aware will not find themselves on a spectacularly high-risk syndicate which had in the past played safe .
16 But it is unlikely — despite disclosure of business rules — that the less aware will not find themselves on a spectacularly high-risk syndicate which had in the past played safe .
17 Families may be placed high in these hierarchies for a variety of reasons — because they have brought with them the high status they had in their villages , because they have acquired status by helping new families settle here in the fifties and sixties and kept them in a state of perennial obligation , because they have gone up in class and ( as a Sikh woman in Newham told me ) ‘ claim status by pretending to be ultra-devout and criticising others who are less so . ’
18 ‘ So did I. ’ Another thing they had in common .
19 Another thing they have in common , sadly , is violence at screenings ; one kid was shot dead outside the cinema on Juice 's opening night and it caused distributors Paramount to withdraw advertising for the movie .
20 It was another thing we had in common .
21 Odd-Knut tells us that to ask a Lapp that question is like asking an Englishman how much money he has in the bank .
22 It is also true that some dealers are likely to be far keener to sell diesels than others , perhaps reflecting how much faith they have in their products .
23 It marked the end of the Croatian Republic as a semi-autonomous nation and the final victory of Tito 's Communists in the civil war which had in effect been raging in Yugoslavia since 1941 .
24 Could draw the absolute hate I have in me for him .
25 So far we have assumed that we understand the suggestion that there are minds other than our own , and asked merely how much evidence we have in its favour .
26 The family will have to decide on how much its teenage members will be allowed to spend , and how much discretion they have in making their own choice of clothes , records , holidays or motor cycles .
27 It was at Ipswich snorkel club the instructors had brought in their aqualung which consisted of a tank which held the compressed air a regulator which supplied the air to the user and a pressure gauge which told us how much air we had in our tanks — we also had a back pack and harness which secured the tanks to us .
28 It is these very services which can disable people , limiting the amount of real choice they have in their lives .
29 And , secondly , as discussed earlier , a continuity view of psychosis rests very heavily on the idea that it is the type of nervous system they have in common that connects the normal to the abnormal .
30 It may mean entering into partnerships , like the joint venture we have in Malaysia and Singapore with Asia-Pacific Breweries , of which Heineken is a key partner , or the one we have with Jos Breweries in Nigeria , where Guinness , Harp and Malta Guinness will be brewed in the north of the country and sold to Guinness Nigeria .
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