Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [pron] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 After that , it was easier to see that Strabo himself largely depended on posidonius and that Caesar , too , must have used Posidoriius in the ethnographic excursuses of the Bellurn Gallicurn .
2 enough There was This Barrier we never got
3 It was this policy he now resorted to in an attempt to win Martha back .
4 When they rescued him he was suffering from frostbite and had a broken tail which eventually had to be amputated .
5 The husband was called Jack , and everyone called him by his first name , but for some reason one always called his wife Mrs Thwaites , although we all knew her Christian name was Margaret .
6 And then that 's another thing he always got something to eat which was a great help of those days , and especially if there was If mother was baking or anything like that he always got a scone or something , mhm .
7 Then his face contorted in pain , and she knew instinctively with infinite relief that it was the face of a man reluctantly denying himself the sexual release he patently craved by wielding a superhuman control .
8 It was this company they sorely missed once unemployed .
9 Each pair of ladies was totally responsible for a table and to this table their personally invited guests came .
10 The following day it further reported that Mallam Yahaya had surrendered to police .
11 Her skin had that smooth all-the-year-round dark tan you sometimes run into in California .
12 It happened almost overnight and for a long time nobody even heard of him . ’
13 It 's the most beautiful thing I ever seen .
14 It may be that one cell which habitually fed by flowing round other particles , took some bacteria and blue-greens within it and these , instead of being digested , survived to collaborate in a communal life of hitherto unparalleled intimacy .
15 That 's one murder they never solved .
16 You see , Richard and his wife , Elizabeth , known as Aunt Bessie , had lost the only child they ever had .
17 There was one person I really wanted to visit before going to London .
18 Ours is not a kissing family — that is , what one might call social kissing ; but there was one person I always kissed , my husband 's Aunt Nesta .
19 When they stopped , in blackness and silence , before the steps that led up to the kitchen door , the only door anyone ever used at Trelorne , Murphy wanted to accompany her inside .
20 The latest excuse offered by one firm whose recently installed system woke the neighbourhood at 2am whilst the owners were away , was that spiders were crawling across the sensor , or moths were flying across it !
21 Er well the worse thing we ever done in cadets was erm , the er the handcuffs right , trouble was .
22 That 's the only thing he ever done to go and catch weight on all wire .
23 The very evident tendency of the end of the first part to overshadow the final Sacrificial Dance is one problem he convincingly solved , partly by restraining the former but mainly by injecting an extraordinary degree of ferocity into the fragmented rhythms of the latter .
24 In the active group , the lowest excretion ( typically below 1% ) was found in one patient who later developed renal insufficiency .
25 It was this same child who later screamed piercingly when Hook made his first entrance , clawing the misty air above the frozen river .
26 ‘ Even in Racer X , though they had identical equipment they still sounded totally different .
27 The local police were informed of the whereabouts of the statues , just incase anyone mistakenly reported an attempted break-in .
28 The answer is , if they had a particular general part of the study , but I shall stick them on the wall , er , with Blue Tac , but I shall stick the Blue Tac on the so I shall just make that point , so that if some particular person whose just taken it on , do n't ask about the use of Blue Tac in his room .
29 The woman was mistaken for another patient from the same hosptial who earlier held up a mini-bus driver with a toy gun .
30 It 's basically the body that Rickenbacker introduced first on the Combo 650 and Combo 850 guitars back in 1957 , the same shape they later carried over to Lennon 's favourite , the model 325 .
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