Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [adv] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 The suspension of the armed struggle just over a month ago was seen as a break-through , but within days , peace seemed as far away as ever .
2 Dr P was asked what effect the growth of English literature all over the world , and the advent of modern literary criticism , had had on English teaching in universities :
3 When Mac got out of the aircraft Fagan stormed up to him and said : " You are a bloody fool , Mac , look what you 've done with your inconsiderate taxying , blowing this shit all over the camp . "
4 This work started originally in , in erm Nottingham University and in Aberdeen University and erm now we 're rather lucky in that I think we have erm one company , Oxford Instruments , that supply almost all the big magnets that are used in this work all over the world .
5 From nor , somewhere in Snowdonia they send this water all over the country and it 's so full of iron Germany , they buy it .
6 THE Manchester United footballer Viv Anderson was given a public apology and undisclosed libel damages in the High Court yesterday over a story in the Daily Star concerning a post-match clash between Anderson and the Wimbledon player John Fashanu .
7 ALISTAIR Bell , whose wife was found murdered in a sports centre car park , won undisclosed libel damages in the High Court yesterday over a story linking him with her death .
8 SIS accepted ‘ substantial ’ libel damages in the High Court yesterday over the Channel 4 programme ‘ Against The Odds ’ shown in December 1990 , which claimed the company was involved in a conspiracy with major bookmakers to manipulate starting prices .
9 Smear this mixture all over the lamb , cover with cling film and leave the meat in a cool place to marinate overnight .
10 Smear this mixture all over the lamb , cover with cling film and leave the meat in a cool place to marinate overnight .
11 When using a plunger , ensure that it seals well on to the surface ( smearing petroleum jelly on to the rubber surface helps ) and that you do n't simply pump the water up the overflow pipe and back into the sink — hold a wet cloth tightly over the overflow while using one .
12 No large-scale drilling would be allowed without on-site inspections ; any large commercial explosions would have to be notified and inspected ; a highly sensitive seismic and radiation-detector network would pick up seismic activity all over the world ( useful for earthquake prediction too ) and satellites would keep a close check on suspect areas .
13 The brachiopods elaborated this design considerably over the next hundred million years or so .
14 It is perhaps partly for this reason that these models have been largely concerned with the short term economic outlook ie over a horizon of up to three years .
15 Nevertheless he seemed willing enough to accompany the Finnish detective in the dangerous climb down over the tumbling rocks to where his cousin and his cousin 's pretty , peroxided fiancée lay .
16 The three principal features in this work are panelled decoration all over the building , in windows , wall and buttress alike , an increasing area of window space and consequently development of the flying buttress ( much later than in France ) and roofing by means of the fan vault .
17 In my wanderings to the Staff Colleges and branches of the Royal Aeronautical Society all over the world , the USAF Academy , Colorado Springs , and also that incredible edifice of aeronautical and technical learning — the Smithsonian in Washington , the main question that always crops up and in almost entirely the same way is " how was it possible to maintain morale ? "
18 and the hydraulic hose on the back of the dustcart broke there was hydraulic fluid all over the
19 So that we could keep the bloody team together over the next few years .
20 There had always been a continued physical Jewish presence there over the centuries ; it was for the Jews too an ancient homeland .
21 IT 'S DIFFICULT to come up with a definitive explanation as to why , but the music industry is currently going through its worst trough in over a decade .
22 He raised the tip of the rod , and gave the slightest flick of his wrist , swinging the line in a smooth curve out over the water .
23 The ball from Gascgoine to Ball the other night when he scored his great goal was a little dink just over the top , outside of his fort and it was a little one over the top of there was n't it ?
24 Ever since I can remember there have been little stickers of white paper all over the house with neat black-biro writing on them .
25 Our findings indicate pronounced sensitivity of P falciparum to halofantrine in Gabon in 1992 despite its widespread use there over the 3 previous years .
26 But he was n't going to risk going for the green in two — he 's a gambler , but he 's not stupid , not with a one-stroke lead — and so he hit a wedge for his second shot short of the lake and then a 155-yard 9-iron directly over the flag for his approach .
27 We are proud to keep the national composition all over the world
28 ‘ I had on this little dress , smock it was , with this pretty embroidery all over the bodice , sort of Heidi , and Mum and I did my pigtails . ’
29 The hotel also has a swimming pool , an pool bar , hotel bar , lounge , and dining room with a fine view out over the lake .
30 Suddenly they were in a huge , enchanting sitting-room , with the sun pouring in through the open French windows that gave a magnificent view out over the bay .
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