Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] the world " in BNC.

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1 Finance Ministers from the Group of 24 ( G-24 ) developing countries who met in Washington on April 28 expressed support for the World Bank 's reaffirmation of its commitment to make poverty reduction " a priority objective " in its lending operations .
3 Built in the year nine O nine , for six hundred years it was the largest enclosed building in the world .
4 In 1932 he joined the board of British Carbo-Union and his work on vapour absorption and recovery — the subject of his 1946 presidential address — resulted in the design and erection of the largest installation in the world for the recovery of benzene from coal gas .
5 Determined , independent women often show their weakness when they fall in love , and Bathsheba had very little experience of the world , or of men .
6 Eventually , in January 1981 , the remaining 52 hostages were freed when $7.9 billion worth of frozen Iranian assets were returned marking the end of a humiliating experience for the world 's wealthiest and apparently most powerful nation .
7 The Shedd is widely regarded as the most advanced oceanarium in the world .
8 Table 5.1 demonstrates the changing pattern of immigration in this period , by showing the proportion of the total numbers of immigrants coming from each part of the world .
9 Meanwhile , the largest indoor oceanarium in the world , the John G Shedd in Chicago , which is keen to begin captive breeding of belugas , has applied to the American authorities for an import licence for Brightness .
10 The economic recession around the world was not generally helpful to precious metal prices .
11 Now here was a boy who listened stolidly while Hugo read to him some of the greatest literature in the world ; who yawned over Villon ; who stared out of the window longingly while Hugo read Maupassant or Flaubert .
12 The following example is from The Fix : the Inside Story of the World Drug Trade :
13 During the brilliant period of the Fatimids the university mosque of Al-Azhar , the oldest surviving university in the world , was built .
14 Lydia Ascroft takes a technical look at the world of hair and beauty .
15 Compare the description of the agony in In the Same boat ( a story the end of which is truer to the experience than i– the end of The Brushwood Boy ) : ‘ Suppose you were a violin string — vibrating — and someone put his finger on you ’ with the image of the ‘ banjo string drawn tight ’ for the breaking wave in The finest Story in the World .
16 Certainly ‘ The Finest Story in the World ’ with its hero who emerges as the unlikely reincarnation of a Norseman from Greenland and a galley slave was to have considerable repercussions .
17 The narrator dreams of how Charlie 's tales of his reincarnations will be spread , as ‘ the finest story in the world ’ until the point when , ‘ Every Orientalist in Europe would patronize it discursively with Sanskrit and Pali texts . ’
18 It was like Frazer 's looking into the ‘ abysm of time ’ , but it was a vision only imperfectly appreciated by Charlie Mears , as the narrator of ‘ The Finest Story in the World ’ emphasizes : ‘ Above all , he was absolutely ignorant of the knowledge sold to me for five pounds ; and he would retain that ignorance , for bank-clerks do not understand metempsychosis , and a sound commercial education does not include Greek . ’
19 Meanwhile , back on the box , coverage of the 11th Winter Olympic Games was getting under way in Sapporo , Japan , with Frenchman Jean-Claude Killy billed as ‘ the greatest skier in the world ’ among the commentators .
20 GRIDIRON : London Monarchs yesterday drew 17–17 with Birmingham Fire to leave them anchored at the bottom of the European Division of the World League .
21 Anbar Management Abstracts , Business Periodicals Index and Public Affairs Information Service provide extensive coverage of the world 's business literature .
22 ‘ I remember thinking Hawaiian music was so bad , the corniest shit in the world .
23 In spite of a long-established programme , with the best technical expertise in the world , the programme over the years has achieved a very mixed success .
24 The teaching of Deuteronomy and the theology of the stories of Jericho and Ai and the rest ( for the book of Joshua gives us lists of cities put to the ban ) are also understandable in terms of ancient conduct of war in that part of the world , or with regard to our own contemporary warfare and religious belief and practice .
25 Many people feel a sense of overwhelming loss , loss of safety and security , perhaps , at the news that is coming from that part of the world , and yet find themselves unable to absorb the import of what is being said .
26 You two girls had better keep away from that part of the world while they 're about .
27 You had to be careful around that part of the world .
28 Although Europe is the original home of the cat show and of competitive , controlled breeding , remarkably few of the fifty basic breeds come from that part of the world .
29 Following the much trumpeted loss of her maidenhood , she is said to have undergone a test to determine whether or not she has AIDS , an ailment prevalent in that part of the world .
30 At its peak the cult of Asclepius was the most successful in history in that part of the world , to fuse religion , magic , nature care , diet , rest , massage and hydrotherapy into the service of healing .
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