Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] other " in BNC.

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1 This distorts the car ownership per 100 of the population to a low level compared with other countries .
2 In which case , the absence of random assignment , to use Lieberson 's rendering of the problem , presents special difficulties if " there is reason to believe that the subjects thereby placed in each condition differ in other ways that themselves have a bearing on the outcome of interest to the researcher " .
3 They can not be ignored , but should always be given low weight compared with other terms in the search .
4 How does this technique compare with other non-operative treatments for gall bladder stones ?
5 One may also need to consider high switch-on surges amongst other factors , the effects of which will be reduced by keeping the power supply tracks as thick as practicable .
6 The noticeable familial disruption occurring in other cases is particularly interesting because it reflects social role expectations of women , where the primary role traditionally is that of homemaker , family manager , and housewife ( Oakley , 1981 ) .
7 The fact that some of this revenue passes through other hands , particularly after the first movement , is ignored .
8 Then , he put the problems down to a lack of top speed compared to other machines in the series .
9 Further , this disadvantage extends to other areas of social life .
10 A further chapter looks at other sources of oppression such as ‘ sexual orientation ’ , language and religion .
11 But Britain refused to accept the damaging Social Chapter proposed by other Europeans , and it was excluded from the Maastricht treaty .
12 A few telephone calls to other units showed that our hospital was not an exception .
13 Even something from the day 's newspaper can be all that is needed as an effective starting-point , just as the latest or the most interesting work done in other subject areas of the curriculum may be used .
14 They comment that the NIR , though a good indicator of moisture stress , is a relatively poor indicator of blight in this crop compared with other wavelengths .
15 This group differs from other groups at risk of infection with HIV , like homosexual men and men with haemophilia , as their lifestyle often causes a high background incidence of disease and disease may be camouflaged by the use of illegal drugs .
16 ‘ was not clean and in good working order ’ This point means among other things that the lamps in question must be kept clean as mud or snow could hide the light .
17 This relationship persisted after other factors ( residence , maternal education , marital status and father 's occupation ) were taken into account .
18 As this agenda spreads to other sections of the press , to radio and to television , it produces a ‘ self-enforcing conformity ’ whose importance ‘ lies not in the nuances of attitude taken on different items on the political agenda , but rather in the common agreement on that agenda itself … ’ .
19 Why he felt as if they had just agreed to an illicit liaison he did not know , unless it was the air of sexual invitation this woman wore as other women wore perfume , the practised composition of glance and gesture that she used to imply everything whilst proposing nothing .
20 This cultural environment consists of other memes which are also being selected .
21 This control extends into other areas of family life .
22 This refers to people 's progress through life : a result both of their attempts to maintain personal esteem and , at the same time , social respect deriving from other people 's evaluations .
23 Development of this method to cope with other types of phrases would require a larger training set that included these phrase types .
24 Needless to say , when developmental psychologists are studying language , the ‘ environment ’ includes not only the physical environment provided by objects and materials , but also the social environment provided by other people .
25 For example , inversion to Hospitals , Military will cause this heading to file alongside other headings commencing with the word Hospitals .
26 Such an approach is necessary because a warming trend due to greenhouse gas changes may be counteracted initially by a cooling trend caused by other factors .
27 In court , Judge Francis Allen said : ’ This sort of mindless attack happens in other parts of the country , but I find it more in Oxford . ’
28 My only reservation is that I would like to see this approach extended into other important areas of psychology such as learning , intelligence , memory , personality and , especially , attitudes .
29 Managers and engineers could not help but admire the assiduity and skill with which he could wear down his opponents in discussion , but for many of them this approach conflicted with other managerial values .
30 Text such as this may require the acquisition of specialist dictionaries to maintain the high performance shown in other domains .
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