Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [noun] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Coming to Old Gang Smelting Mills we stopped to look for a while at the most complete collection of buildings still standing in the mining field , although comparing them now with photographs taken in the 1930s it 's obvious that they 're slowly falling apart .
2 The increased headway was essential to the concept of smaller 48-seat cars , which were quicker loading than the old Tramroad Company cars they replaced .
3 The dynamic Christine Duncan with her landing strips in the bush and Jenny Frame , CFI at Nelson , were only two of the interesting lady Kiwi fliers I met .
4 In return , Miranda did not mention the occasional missing pair of stockings , headband , hairslide , and , on one occasion , she was almost sure , British Home Stores knickers she 'd had since school , where they had been modestly itemised as ‘ linings ’ in the list of uniform requirements and had her school number scrawled on the waistband by Astrid with a linen marker of indelible ink ( the other girls had Cash 's name tapes in cursive script or small capitals ) .
5 This roller coaster catapults you over 75ft into the air , then plummets you back to earth at 60mph .
6 US Navy Commander David Carlson wrote a year after the episode , in the US Naval Institute 's Proceedings for September 1989 , that he ‘ wondered aloud in disbelief ’ as from his nearby vessel USS Sides he observed the Vincennes shoot down what was plainly a commercial airliner in a commercial corridor , perhaps out of ‘ a need to prove the visibility of Aegis ’ , the missile system abroad the Vincennes .
7 To most , if not all , British trade union leaders it seemed to be suicide to follow Larkin 's " fiery cross " into a confrontation with the state in circumstances in which it was clear that their members would not follow them ; why should they make such a sacrifice for Larkin when they had been unwilling to do so only a year earlier for the London dockers ?
8 In view of the widespread use of the old style train sheds it is pleasing to our vanity to be reminded how expensive they were to build and how costly to maintain .
9 However , the shame is that for some health service insiders it has become a way of life .
10 I 'll tell you what the old fashion alarm clocks they got .
11 But , having used a number of different twin stem units I 've found the single wire stem much more versatile , although sometimes a little harder to remove from stubborn placements .
12 By creating dummy assembly files with varying nodal positions at incremental time frame intervals it is possible to model the kinematics of a mechanism .
13 Without even criticizing the valuable work done by the private sector audit firms it should be a matter of principle that their reports should be presented to the C & AG rather than to the respective Secretary of State .
14 For example , as part of the What Personal Computer Power Tests we run a Lotus 1-2-3 calculation to test processor speed .
15 THE FIRST American anthropologist to enter rural China since the communist revolution has been expelled from Stanford University after writing about the barbaric birth control methods he witnessed in the Pearl River delta of south-east China .
16 In the post Second World War days it was not extraordinary to see Laker and Lock open the attack for Surrey in county matches .
17 And if you look at the literature on the American presidency in the post second world war years you will find two themes two related themes .
18 In severely ill children presenting to a referral hospital at 1670 m altitude the logistic regression prediction models we have developed indicate that for newborn infants and those up to 2 months of age history of cyanosis reported by the mother was the best predictor of hypoxaemia ; a respiratory rate of >=70/min,; retractions , and grunting were the best predictors in infants 3–11 months old ; and in children 12 months and older a respiratory rate of >=60/min; was the best predictor of hypoxaemia .
19 When they are experienced , the three trace element deficiencies you are most likely to meet concern iron , manganese and magnesium .
20 One of these football evening matches we could could n't we ?
21 But these silk stocking things you know just
22 I have always felt that on these policy study groups we must avoid restricting ourselves to those who are already fully committed politically to the Conservative Party .
23 For large bed filter plates it has been found that just about any ridged or semi ridged plastic will suffice .
24 Generally , there are none of the inane pizzaman delivery scenarios you find in commercial porn — something consumers cherish about the amateurs .
25 ‘ Maybe I 'm prejudiced against that idea because of all those cheap and awful video film cassettes we have aboard , with all their special effects and pseudo science .
26 And then , I mean , the amount of long term capital debts they all got .
27 In order to increase it 's market share and to build exciting long term business prospects it was quickly realised that Noble Metals would have to provide more value to it 's customers that their competitors .
28 Can I make it quite crystal clear to my own mind , long term pension benefits it does n't come automatically it only comes if you surrender part of your own pension thus making provision for .
29 The farmers going to market had come down from Barking and Ringshall and those places , and on the rough owd country roads they managed ; but as soon as they got to the tarred road in Needham street they had to stop .
30 As long as you buy good quality seed potatoes you should not need to use any pesticides — planting ordinary potatoes is not recommended as they can succumb to viruses .
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