Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [was/were] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Very few general hospital units , however , have recognized how important this service was to individual patients and now it usually falls to a beleaguered social worker to take on the complex task of sorting out welfare benefits ; social workers are not , however , experts in this field and it is a time-consuming task that few of them relish .
2 However committed the cooperative movement was to political involvement , there remained a powerful independence , and this proved decisive .
3 The second unscheduled diversion was to Southern Carburettors in Hersham , brought on by the Caterham 's refusal to idle at less than 4000rpm .
4 A disproportionate number of visits in the late evening were to young children .
5 His primary commitment was to effective control ; he chose deterrence because it seemed most obviously to follow from his views on human rationality .
6 Since their prime purpose was to stable horses , and perhaps to accommodate their grooms ( though this could have been done in hay lofts at first-floor level ) , it is instructive to consider the space needs .
7 In his article ‘ Du Sujet dans la Peinture Moderne ’ ( which became the second section of Les Peintres Cubistes ) Apollinaire had written : ‘ Thus we are progressing towards an intensely new kind of art , which will be to painting what one had hitherto imagined music was to pure literature . ’
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