Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [was/were] [vb pp] be " in BNC.

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1 The number of capital investment schemes for which agricultural grant was paid is increasing , from 5,564 in total in 1979/80 to 6,718 in 1982/83 .
2 The grounds upon which that submission was based were recited by the judge in his judgment .
3 That the wrong route was cited is bad enough , but the inclusion of unchecked rumour is inexcusable , and unfortunately turns error into fact .
4 The reason this figure was produced is erm because one of the comments we had back from the other induction courses er Gareth , the reason we had produced this video was erm structure you 've never shown it , so it 's not necessarily tongue in cheek but it is a strictly sales structure but it will give you a clearer idea of our guide what to do to the role plays this morning , Saturday and tomorrow .
5 But his plea for a four-month stay on the sewage ban while this search was completed was dismissed by David Mazzone , the federal judge overseeing the clean-up project , and rejected by a federal appeals court .
6 The second front on which this issue was developed was part of a debate between philosophers , who were concerned with the moral nature of man at an abstract , idealist , level and the biologist-naturalists , who were concerned with the delimitation of man considered as a zoological species .
7 The director of British Organic Farmers , Patrick Holden , commented : " this is another halfway house which is likely to confuse consumers … the Duchy of Cornwall standards under which this meat was produced are not fully organic " .
8 Whether the preface to his treatise in which this comment was made was ever actually read by the society 's members is not known , although they did order two copies of his ‘ two publications on Farriery ’ .
9 The physics and cosmology that provided the framework in which this astronomy was set was basically that developed by Aristotle in the fourth century B.C. In the second century A.D. , Ptolemy devised a detailed astronomical system that specified the orbits of the moon , the sun and all the planets .
10 Since the average rate at which the foreign debt was raised was probably about 25 dinars , its dinar value in early 1988 was about 50 times as great , approximately the same as the change in the cost of living over the same period .
11 How this increase was derived was probably revealed in the other responses .
12 Moreover , the harmonisation and industrial standardisation with which the German Empire was built is all too familiar a feature of the Commission 's activism .
13 The parcel of land on which this house was built was mentioned in Domesday Book .
14 Just how much patience was needed is made clear by a story from Elaine Blond about her friend and close colleague .
15 One of the first systems to which the Schrödinger equation was applied was the simplest atom , hydrogen .
16 The former Boro central defender was United 's acting captain at Coventry City on Saturday .
17 Whether such pessimism was justified was hardly relevant …
18 Of the 9,009 papers those on which a second preference was indicated were transferred in the same way as Paisley 's surplus .
19 So it was that the agreement on which the first National Government was formed was ignored by the King , who granted a dissolution under conditions which broke both the letter and the spirit of the agreement .
20 The place where that service was performed was the place where the sub-licensee did what the grant enabled him to do without being stopped by the taxpayer .
21 Wo that strike was lost was it ?
22 The 20 cases where major support was provided are harder to categorise and more difficult to make general statements about .
23 A creditor who failed to lodge his proof before an interim dividend was declared is not entitled to disturb that interim distribution but is entitled to receive a payment in priority to other creditors from further funds as available ; similarly a creditor whose proof is increased after an interim dividend has been declared .
24 The demographic data of the patients whose gastric juice was analysed are shown in Table II .
25 Does my hon. Friend agree that probably the only economy in which full employment was implemented was the Soviet Union , where those who did not have a job were usually found somewhere to go , such as Siberia or the Gulag archipelago ?
26 The reason this cumbersome arrangement was used was because the simple crank had already been patented in 1780 .
27 THE MOST interesting thing about the way the Immediate label was run was the fact that , as this set proves , it really did n't have much more of an idea what was hot and what was not than the majors it was supposed to supplant .
28 the security under which the administrative receiver was appointed was void or released .
29 The reason that an extremely lenient criterion was adopted was simply that subjects generally gave very little detail about the situations they actually recalled correctly .
30 Based on a study of fifteen abandoned sites in the Paragominas region south of Belém , each of which experienced varying degrees of land-use intensity , Buschbacher et al. have shown that only those sites where low- and medium-intensity use were practised are likely to return to a forest cover .
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