Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [v-ing] [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Nor was there any instance , as far as I could see , of the faithful lover dying before his long wait was rewarded ; or thought of how the heroine might have felt in such a case , with brothers and sisters flown the nest , father and mother dead , hero dead , the house empty , and the mind , so long attuned and subjected to the needs of other minds , no longer able to recognize and adapt to its own needs .
2 Well we had a secretary of state here who is now minister of transport , I do hope he 's watching this programme seeing as I promised we have had gains and proposals .
3 Breeze partook of this refreshment wondering if she had stepped into the pages of Cranford .
4 Sir James Reckitt did some amateur excavating when he lived at the manor and some stones , which could have formed church windows , can still be seen in the gardens of houses since built on the site .
5 BRITAIN 'S Johnny Herbert goes into the Monaco Grand Prix this weekend wondering if he can earn a place on the podium for the first time in 37 formula one races .
6 ‘ I heard something about this chap disappearing when I was here at the weekend .
7 I mean you can see that bloke stopping cos he saw this poor girl lying in the road .
8 We shall find this cooperative function persisting if we examine in turn the other matters of our concern .
9 He slowly kissed every part of her and suddenly he stopped , his hand running gently over her thigh , his uneven breathing easing as he explored her skin .
10 The names and addresses of these bureaux are listed in Appendix I. A Green Card furnished at frontiers ensures smooth passage establishing as it does the existence of a country 's compulsory motor insurance .
11 Now I 've made a mess on your the these need wiping because I 've got butter on my fingers .
12 But it was the unexpected shots that would provide the spice to the story — like the ones she had just made of the little midinette enthusing as she saw the dress she 'd sweated blood for , if not created , come down the catwalk to the roar of applause .
13 She sat in front of her turfed teepee like a re-located squaw — the mass of brown hair loosely braided and heaped on her head like a parcel carelessly tied with twine , her forget-me-not blue eyes looking at Mary only when she thought she was unobserved , at all other times intent on the middle distance , her small , slight , quick body quivering as she enjoyed the rare comfort of proper sat-down company and felt the physical , close interest of another human being .
14 A dipper flew up from the burn as I emerged from the hut , his white breast flashing as he darted downstream .
15 Customers were asked to fill in a brief form stating whether they knew or had seen Mr McEvoy .
16 Seagram 's victory in the 1991 Grand National was an extraordinary coincidence occurring as it did in the final year of the company 's sponsorship of the race .
17 I needed no second bidding and , in the last two weeks of Lent , when Benjamin fasted on water and salted fish and abstained from wine ( I did the same during the day but , at night , I always crept out to one of the nearby taverns ; I have great difficulty fasting for I get this terrible thirst ! ) ,
18 There is no doubt that Tony Bowran makes a good living working as he does in the field of the ‘ high profile ’ advertising market — as he says , ‘ agencies are my clients , my bread and butter . ’
19 A hoarse , muffled groan broke from his throat , his powerful body shuddering as her fingers came to rest on the hard , swollen thrust of his pulsing flesh .
20 Under her direction , the squad became a very close-knit affair comprising as it did four cousins , six nephews and a younger brother ( 42 ) .
21 Repetitions in the text , as well as breaks of pattern , suggest the four fragments may represent stages in composition between A and C , with a more complex scheme emerging as it developed and an entirely new beginning in Fragment D.
22 we do n't think this is a very good idea seeing as she 's asked .
23 Her fresh-faced expression gazing as it were on the threshold of life is a poignant reminder of the passing of time and finite nature of dreams .
24 I 'll have some black coffee waiting when you get down .
25 The girl spent a long time wondering whether she could pluck up courage to mention she 'd thought of going to the Swimming Gala if her mother really felt there was nothing she could do .
26 You should regard the summer months as out of bounds , since there are too many people about , and there is the risk of dry grass dying when you recover finds .
27 He has been a professional for almost two years and has a ring record of nine wins out of 10 contests , his lone defeat coming when he was out-pointed by Manchester 's Russell Davison for the Central Area title .
28 Mr Nicos , the manager of the Kamara , will be welcoming Club guests for the sixth summer running when he opens his doors in Summer '90 and once again he is looking forward to dealing exclusively with us .
29 We remain ignorant as to the basis of this consistent and apparently universal outcome ( that wives and mothers spend a great deal more time tending than their husbands ) .
30 However , if you are correcting for drift with one wing well down , and then the cable breaks , you may find that you have already turned quite a long way , and that it is easier to keep that turn going if you can not get down ahead .
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