Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [vb pp] by the " in BNC.

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1 " It was a political decision made by the government and not by the Federation , " Bland said .
2 He defied suspension under a gagging contract imposed by the counties on their cricketers — but which , I feel , the players should have refused to sign .
3 At a time when galleries are retrenching or closing , it is nice to be able to report this exciting European link forged by the energetic Hue-Williams , and to note the arrival of Marianne Holtermann , private dealer in modern and contemporary art , who has opened an office above Bolger Carpets at 31 New Bond Street .
4 The fragmented appearance of their work , especially its Lettrist phase , their repudiation of conventional skills and scholarly manners ( evidenced in their use of personal insults ) have been absorbed by subcultural milieux and in due course adapted by the culture industries .
5 The underlying cause for this decision was the awful damage caused by the savage winter of 1709 .
6 They interpreted this finding as showing that associability lost by the stimulus during the first stage of training could outweigh the transfer deriving from the fact that both stage of the study involved inhibitory learning .
7 One sees here a complementary tendency to the influence of free sculpture on relief apparent in the evolution of high relief : a free-standing statue influenced by the conventions of narrative art .
8 To enable an explicit comparison of the different conceptions of economic change held by the three theories , the substance of each is summarized in section 3.6 .
9 The working majority achieved by the Conservatives removed that worry .
10 A retention is often used as a means of resolving a specific difficulty identified by the due diligence exercise ( see also Chapter 2 , page 51 ) .
11 Therefore , his main studies were amongst the great wealth of practical and devotional literature written by the earlier Puritan authors .
12 A strong 60s look created by the Scissors Hair Group Design Team , using Colour Touch by Wella
13 Whereas Hitchcock 's last British film , the pre-war Jamaica Inn ( 1939 ) , could be said to be dealing with a similar area of subject matter to , say , Hatter 's Castle ( 1941 ) , the emotional level struck by the latter is a world away from the former .
14 More significant , however , was the very real threat to , Labour unity posed by the determination of Thorne and Jones to stand as NSP candidates , and the resignation from the Labour group on West Ham council of eight key figures , including Thorne , Jones , Godbold and Thomas Kirk ( SE 9 February 18 ) .
15 This position was also felt to have been influenced by the controversial decision taken by the Arab League Council in September to speed up the transfer of the Arab League headquarters from Tunis to the Egyptian capital Cairo , a decision first taken in March [ see pp. 37334 ; 37726 ] , and by the lack of large-scale Western aid to support domestic economic reforms and to compensate for serious economic losses forecast as a result of the Gulf crisis .
16 This in fact became so only because of the policies Wilson adopted in the way of providing arms to the other side , for which there was insufficient compensation from the rather half-hearted support given by the Soviets and by a few other countries to the Biafrans .
17 In Slovakia , on the other hand , the chief victor was Vladimir Meciar 's Movement for a Democratic Slovakia ( HZDS ) , whose nationalist platform drew heavily on economic discontent engendered by the harsh application of Klaus 's free-market principles , and favoured greater state intervention , if necessary supported by budget deficits .
18 The Bishop told clergy late last month and before Tony 's death , that it seemed likely that permission given by the Law Lords to stop feeding Tony would soon be acted upon :
19 The working hypothesis reached by the counsellor has to be transferred to the counsellees , not through direct transmission , but by helping them achieve their own insights .
20 It is instructive to compare this document with the statement on Automation and Technical Change adopted by the 1965 Trades Union Congress .
21 Protests were made in the Commons over the exclusion of Argyll and Bute and western parts of Moray from the regional grant earmarked by the European Commission for the Highlands and Islands .
22 The rescript was a powerful exhortation to patriotism , loyalty , filial piety , obedience and duty within the political framework established by the Meiji Constitution .
23 The Cloaca Maxima is a floodwater drain built by the Etruscans in the sixth century B.C. to drain the Forum Romanum .
24 During the 2-week trial the court heard that damage caused by the group had cost several hundred thousand pounds to repair .
25 At one level , Nizan accepts that contemporary readers are easily misled , seduced by their baser instincts , and would readily turn their gaze away from the bitter reality of the socio-political situation , preferring instead to read the escapist , polite literature manufactured by the bourgeoisie for their mystification .
26 In a typically British way , we have failed to take the credit that is due to us for that achievement , which had its origins in the Kangaroo group of Members of the European Parliament founded by the late Basil de Ferranti specifically to break down the trade barriers that existed in Europe at a time when none of the other major Community partners wanted to know anything about it .
27 In conclusion he expressed the hope of an era of new administrative responsibility shared by the legislature , the executive and the judiciary .
28 However , it could be employed in its pure form and perhaps the fees used to compensate victims of pollution and offset damage caused by the pollution .
29 The remainder of those first franchises divided into second and third tiers according to the economic base provided by the populations they served .
30 Most unions are single enterprise units extending membership to all regular employees , but what appears unusual from a Western perspective is the amount of administrative support given by the company in collecting union subscriptions or in providing organizational help for union officials .
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