Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [coord] [modal v] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As I hope to demonstrate , while a familiarity with research findings may provide important new insights they can not substitute for sound professional judgement nor can they solve some of the inherent tensions and ethical dilemmas inherent in this area of work .
2 Grateful to the minister for that reply but would he not agree with me that where local authorities erm local chambers of commerce and trades councils er and his own department of employment , are already working well together with good small initiatives , to put upon them English Estates , TECs , British coal enterprise er is in fact to do precisely what he does not advocate to make a mushrooming of bureaucracy and will he not undertake to evaluate these initiative to see if they really do work or whether they 're just providing jobs for the boys .
3 Erm I s suspect that it 's er the one million two hundred and forty two thousand transfer from general operating reserve is that figure but may I make one comment
4 If that did happen , should we try to intervene , should we offer to put in some sort of peace-keeping force or should we just leave them to it ?
5 Can I use Carbonflo in this engine and would it have the same benefits such as lower fuel consumption ?
6 Therefore could you please tell me if it is feasible to fit this engine and will it prove to be too powerful for the IIA gearbox and overdrive .
7 You did a graph and you did pictures , if you did the graph one signature , if you did pictures another signature and shall we say , what are we going to call pictures ?
8 I know they do n't have to go and say , ee can I afford that this week or can I
9 What can we make of this pattern and can we suggest dates for the elements within it ?
10 And then , would you like to work in this area or would you like to go elsewhere ?
11 Have there been any further developments from research into this illness and could you do an update ?
12 Subsidence — on the scale we are concerned with here — is generally a quite different matter and must he involved with the internal processes of the earth .
13 Right , now erm would it , would you like me to call you Martin during this discussion or would you like me to keep it to er Mr ?
14 so have you got another film or shall I
15 I KNOW it is an old problem but can I make a plea for the Skerne to be cleaned up .
16 across a lot of papers but in this paper it starts er and as Mr just said it starts as far as incr increments , erm do we know at this time or can we be informed as soon as were informed , where of what , whether implement are erm , like , are restricted by the , the Chancellor 's statement , do we know or , are have we got ta wait ?
17 I can not , therefore , detach myself from the wickedest soul nor may I be denied identity with the most virtuous . ’
18 Will you risk my dry Martini or would you rather stick to sherry ? ’
19 It is an awful mess but will you not come and sit by my fire– ’
20 In 1773 when raw silk was difficult to obtain , the owner of a throwing mill in Sherborne wrote : … having discharged many of my hands which are either starving , or are become burdensome to the town , others are incessantly crying for a little work and could they obtain but a morsel of Barley-bread they are happy , they very often go days with little or no nourishment … the continued cries of the poor people complaining for want of the necessaries of life as well for want of employment is shocking indeed … and what is worse the overseers are not so bountiful to the necessitous as I could wish .
21 I 'll see this little bit then I 'll go and finish that ironing and would you record er Watchdog for me ?
22 Would you prefer to have another election so that one party could obtain an overall majority or would you prefer some kind of arrangement between the parties so there would not have to be an election for a number of years ?
23 He considered the focus of the controversy to be the juridical effects of a stipulation made in favour of a third party , which he deconstructed into three questions : can a third party claim directly any such benefit or can it only be claimed through the auspices of a State party ; may the parties to the agreement amend or abolish the stipulation without the consent of the third party ; and need the third party accept the stipulation in order to be vested with the benefit in question ? 120
24 He asks if you would inform her as soon as possible that her son has had a serious accident and would she go straight to the hospital .
25 Will everyone who asks be given severance or early retirement or will there be a selection process depending on performance ?
26 ‘ I hereby agree to the severing of my entire cranium and should anything go wrong on the way hold neither the executioner nor his assistant in any way responsible .
27 THE biggest sporting deal in history might be good news for the football clubs who kick off the new Premier League but will it be good for soccer and its followers ?
28 Can the relationship be summarized as a straight line or will it need a curve ?
29 Is she just a very nervous bitch or will she grow out of it ?
30 Though they have little knowledge of the strength of the Irish Students England are confident they will be able to take another step towards their overall target and should it develop into an open game on the well-drained Blundellsands pitch they can expect few problems .
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