Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [vb past] [that] [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 That judgement accepted that there is price competition between beers and wines .
2 Yes , I can confirm that that review showed that there was a clear need for section 4 support in Scotland .
3 French relief workers claimed that the Djibouti government and French army officers stationed in Djibouti had sent back a group of refugees across the border into an inhospitable desert region of Ethiopia on June 2 ; however , the French Foreign Ministry denied that there had been any forcible expulsions from Djibouti .
4 The facts of this case showed that there was no negligence but nevertheless such offences are absolute .
5 The House will recall that during the passage of the Channel Tunnel Act 1987 , British Rail stated that there was no need for a high-speed line .
6 Thus , this study revealed that there is no advantage in immediate angioplasty after thrombolysis compared with elective angioplasty .
7 The early part of this chapter indicated that there is already a reasonable consensus that managing schools in the future will be different — equally it suggested that a simplistic ‘ chief executive , model is not universally accepted as the way forward , and that such a model is indeed a profoundly conservative one .
8 This exercise suggested that there were few class differences in community nurse use or acute hospital care .
9 The fact that the two hospitals were less than three miles apart , that they had a combined acreage of 375 acres , that they were outmoded from the point of view of treatment , and that both had ‘ spare capacity ’ because of the continued decline in the long-stay population meant that there was much to be gained from merger .
10 Detailed examination established that there was no forgotten tampon .
11 At one time , my right hon. Friend thought that there were only 500 , whereas I believed that there were 1,000 .
12 My hon. Friend suggested that there would be only an internal inquiry .
13 ‘ while this court held that there was a settlement , there remains to be determined , if the plaintiffs persist with it , the claim or allegation by them that the settlement has been cancelled for breach .
14 This friend suggested that there might be something which had happened at an earlier stage in Kirsty 's life which was causing her health to deteriorate now .
15 The hon. Gentleman said that there was not enough consumer representation .
16 Secondly , the right hon. Gentleman suggested that there should be a speedier process .
17 The government did not have to concern itself with the balance of payments ( which was always expected to be favourable or self-adjusting ) , free trade meant that there was no need for elaborate connections with industry , the level of employment had to be left to the supply and demand for labour , and all that the government should do was elementary regulation in the interests of those sections of the community unable to defend themselves .
18 Careful checking showed that there was no possibility of chance infection by RNA molecules .
19 This report said that there should be no pay-TV programmes .
20 But government figures published this summer revealed that there were 93,720 teachers in this category , 5,720 more than it had thought .
21 One study that investigated this idea found that there was little difference between first babies and later ones .
22 The shifting patterns of concurrent production meant that there could be no regular correlation between particular skeleton formes [ with their identifiable running titles ] and particular compositors or presses .
23 Jurgen Warnke , the deputy chairman of the right-wing Christian Social party warned that there could be violence and the whole East German security apparatus could be deployed to ensure the survival of the regime .
24 The European Council noted that there was a consensus to go beyond the present limits in regard to security [ UK reservation ] ; the content and detailed rules for the role of the Union in the security sphere will have to be defined gradually . "
25 Early experience indicated that there were five main types of movement which affected an employee 's record on the PMIS data base .
26 A more detailed age profile of all students in relation to overall progress revealed that there was relatively little difference between the age groups although those aged between 18 and 19 years were most likely to graduate while those under 18 and over 40 years of age were least successful .
27 Observers from the US National Democratic Institute said that there had been " serious problems " , that voter registration was incomplete , that registers had not been open for inspection , and that Biya had been allocated 142 minutes of coverage on the state-owned television service between Oct. 7 and polling day , while the six opposition candidates shared only 12 minutes .
28 Hackney LBC tried another line of attack which was repulsed when the Divisional Court held that there was no requirement for the Secretary of State , issuing guidance to a local authority as to the level of its expenditure , to have regard to whether or not the authority would by restricting its expenditure in such a way render itself unable reasonably to discharge any of its statutory duties .
29 The Divisional Court held that there was an unlawful departure from the " open justice " principle , which required defendant 's addresses to be given publicly in court .
30 A joint statement said that there had been no " comprehensive accommodation in relation to the deep-seated and longstanding problems " .
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