Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [adj] to be " in BNC.

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1 The first stages are fitted with input offset adjustments just large enough to cancel the largest field likely to be encountered , namely the total inclined component in the middle latitudes .
2 Only where organisations appreciate the consequences for information resources , which they perceive to be valuable , is that investment likely to be made .
3 More prosperous groups own banners up to 300 foot long to be processed at village festivals .
4 With the horse-trading in the event of a hung parliament certain to be ferocious , Liberal Democrats are keen to indicate that they would strike a tough bargain .
5 The show purports to be a potted history of the average actor 's life not one of the starspangled knights who represent the tip of the thespian iceberg , but the common-or-garden variety likely to be found filling out the bill in a panto or carrying a spear in the background of a TV costume drama .
6 When is this bloke supposed to be phoning ?
7 What was this meeting supposed to be about ?
8 When 's this treatment likely to be finished ?
9 Simon , a manager who , at 39 , is the oldest person questioned , says : ‘ The idea that people will think it is in some way impressive to be seen drinking low-alcohol muck is obvious nonsense . ’
10 But supposing this sense of design is lost ? … " what many feel , touch upon , but hardly articulate … " design " as a term which is a noun and a verb , and also one which denotes a form of representation , an activity , a practice , a product etc etc at one and the same time … ie design as a priori a social activity unable to be undertaken without having social implications .
11 Now when was this memoir supposed to be in by ?
12 At the very least it would make it a more rationally and humanely organised system likely to be more productive ; at best it would provide the conditions for eventual emancipation should that decision finally be made .
13 Fabric : Airlight — a 50/50 polyester/cotton supposed to be ‘ light and quick drying ’
14 Nor was the Soviet Union at this stage inclined to be particularly generous in its terms .
15 It was argued that only property-owners had the economic independence necessary to be a free man .
16 These were ( i ) the abolition of the draconian National Security Law relating to sedition and espionage ; ( ii ) admission of a North Korean " consolation " delegation to visit three South Korean dissidents imprisoned under the National Security Law for having made unauthorized visits to the North ; and ( iii ) the authorization of South Korean dissidents to attend a pro-unification rally due to be held in Panmunjom on Aug. 15 , the anniversary of Korean liberation from Japanese colonial rule .
17 The planning authority has to assess the amount of land required for mineral working , and this requires an assessment of the future demand likely to be made on production in its area .
18 A full list of projects will appear in JFIT News and also in the 1991 JFIT Annual report due to be published in October .
19 It could be another sign that EASE is in for a tough few months , ironic when its annual report due to be published soon , will show that it made its first modest profit in 1992 .
20 today this becomes the first railway shadow franchise , its operations hived off into a separate company ready to be sold .
21 British Telecom , Mercury 's competitor , has already announced similar plans using Unisat , Britain 's national satellite due to be launched in 1986 .
22 Former President Goukouni Oueddei returned to Chad for the first time in nine years on May 18-19 , meeting with President Idriss Déby and reportedly discussing the proposals for a multiparty system due to be introduced in January 1992 .
23 Her methods of child-rearing stand out as being more ‘ working-class ’ than ‘ middle-class ’ ; for example she smacked a lot and expected the three year old to be clean and tidy all the time : both these are areas in which the Newsons found social class differences in their study .
24 I feel that once parents begin to become too aware of norms , they worry , and therefore unless a child is grossly out of sync , if you like , with their peers , I would n't say it would matter , but yes , one would expect a three year old to be talking at one extreme .
25 I feel that once parents begin to become too aware of norms , they worry , and therefore unless a child is grossly out of sync , if you like , with their peers , I would n't say it would matter , but yes , one would expect a three year old to be talking at one extreme .
26 If appraisal leads to the creation of a new bureaucracy which consumes money which would otherwise be spent on resources for children , is such formalised procedure likely to be beneficial ?
27 In mid-January the Chinese government issued details of the governmental framework likely to be established in the post-1997 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ( SAR ) .
28 He may have realised earlier than most of us that the King was in the long run unfitted to be King .
29 It is expected that assignments to the headship will normally occur on a five-year cycle , with the existing head eligible to be redesignated .
30 And indeed , with the final two shows of the current season due to be directed by Roy Heayberd and Joe Devlin , there seemed no reason why the evidently unhappy incumbent should remain in place for much longer .
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