Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [adj] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the period 1965–83 , encouraged by tax incentives , 470 cattle ranches with an average size of 23 000 ha were established in Amazonia which , according to Repetto ( 1988a ) , accounted for c. 30 per cent of the total deforestation apparent from remotely sensed data collected between 1973 and 1983 .
2 But it is a beauty without subject , a field of discursive play capable of infinitely ornamenting with ‘ truth ’ what it has destroyed and replaced .
3 achieved a much improved result due to greatly increased efficiency .
4 According to all the archival evidence available until very recently , there had apparently been no answer to 5 Corps ' almost desperate insistence on 23 May that the hand-over of the Cossacks could not be achieved without use of force .
5 Locally we already have two Pittses and a Chipmunk group operating , and have aerobatic training available at both Perth and Dundee .
6 At the official press conference today , Brian Horton said he 'd been looking at the young twenty-one year old for quite a while .
7 While the government was to some extent successful in thereby isolating its opponents from their comrades in European Russia and elsewhere , the ‘ democratrization ’ of the political exile operation only served to disseminate the seeds and agents of revolutionary change in greater numbers and into the remotest corners of the empire .
8 Experts say there has never been so much free time available to so many people .
9 ‘ So young Boden spent some time alone in there , alive and active .
10 It would take an heroic leap of imagination to suppose that those same forestry services with a proven inability to manage just one product , timber , could presently perform the economic and administrative gymnastics necessary to fully value and manage forests for multiple benefits .
11 The water was running at normal winter level with just a tinge of colour .
12 A similar area rich in both environmental and archaeological heritage lies over the Guatemalan frontier .
13 Central and local government dominate the total , with central government responsible for almost three-quarters .
14 These are the products of a technological mastery untempered by a political imagination capable of either managing it in the interest of the planet , or of inventing a machinery capable of arbitrating between differences of interest without condoning the annihilation of one side or the other .
15 It felt good to be just a little bit crazy for once in her life .
16 Set at the north eastern edge of Lake Garda , Torbole is a pretty village full of both character and charm .
17 The keynote of the reshuffle was the dilution of the Falangist predominance visible until then .
18 The intention is to highlight how today we in this country may join through our offerings with those of little or no material wealth in the Third World in the urgent task of making human development possible for even the poorest .
19 But in fact it rested on more pragmatic considerations of Anglo-French trade common to both Mrs Thatcher and President Mitterrand , along with the need to boost employment in south-east England and along the Pas de Calais .
20 Social researchers need also to be aware of the valuable information available from less formal published sources and here the British Reports , Translations and Theses is a self-explanatory title .
21 Thus for a polymer with a flexible chain , such as polyisoprene , the thermal energy available at about 300 K is sufficient to cause the chain to change shape many thousands of times in a second .
22 There is healthy eating available in today 's RAF , and with messing committees to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute their views and ideas , there seems wider appreciation of the skills of today 's cooks and of the results that they achieve with their limited financial resources .
23 To participate in such textual production in either a critical or creative fashion required an educative process open to relatively few .
24 For a time briefer than the smallest period measurable by today 's clocks , the universe grew ever faster , as energy stored up in some hitherto unsuspected field of force was released .
25 So , for example , Burns and Stalker ( 1961 ) were able to divide forms of management structure into mechanistic and organic , the former being appropriate for firms operating under relatively stable market conditions because routine decision-making handles unchanging tasks efficiently , and the latter being appropriate to rapidly changing product environments where there is a continuous need to innovate and deal with new and unpredictable problems .
26 The difficulty for the Company in England was that establishing someone who had crossed to North America took an initial investment equal to about a year 's wages , so the investors had to keep on providing supplies without seeing any sign of how the colony would repay them .
27 As noted by the European Commission , efficiency demands that the contributors of capital ‘ hand over the management of the company 's affairs to a smaller group capable of relatively quick and continuous decision making .
28 There is a lot more urgency apparent in more recent projects .
29 The aspiration after this effect is very ancient , as we know from the Greek derivation common to both ‘ epigram ’ and ‘ epitaph ’ .
30 And it is a a very important pathogen responsible for about a third of the cases of meningitis in in this country almost exclusively in children .
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