Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] out " in BNC.

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1 He totted up the figures night after night , and ‘ he would take that piece of paper out of his pocket and look at it again and again ’ .
2 page , winds that piece of paper out , withdraw the package like that
3 Oh God do n't wan na do my fucking musical , I 've got ta make a flipping piece of music out from a stupid scale .
4 lot , they , they thought that lot was set below them , that the women had to sort that side of things out and they erm really set a great
5 In some countries they spend days after a death , have a wake or make some kind of celebration out of it .
6 We also have in the area a tremendous number of new houses which have never been contacted by us or for by any political party and I would hope that we might be able to do er something about the area behind the church there is er an area that comes to mind which could well be fruitful , and I would hope that we might during this year get er some kind of literature out to these places apart from election literature .
7 I think w we may well see some kind of shake out .
8 I think instead of encouraging you to try out new ideas they seem to get some kind of kick out of telling you how bad it is …
9 I had to admit that , given my experiences of the evening , it remained a logical possibility that there might be some kind of entity out there skulking in some dark corner of the Cathedral , but somehow I thought not .
10 Accusing conventional farmers of scorning organic farming methods as " some kind of drop out option for superannuated hippies " , Prince Charles proposed a reduction of nitrogen fertilisers by the issue of quotas for farms .
11 Another hour until lights out .
12 New things had happened , the spread of the scientific temper , erm reasonably effective and cheap methods of contraception , the emancipation of women due to the development of industry , the decay of Christianity , all these various factors made the old conception of marriage out of date , and so he takes it in hand , he pillories it , and he suggests new possibilities , of which one seems to be nowadays obtaining favour , that 's trial marriage , i.e. that people should experiment with living together erm so long as they do n't intend at that stage to have children , before they finally decide to marry and settle down .
13 Why , when the opposition goalie was taking a goal-kick , did he crouch forward and remain motionless like Johnny Fartpants ? was this some attempt to psyche out the opposition ?
14 Dealers said there was also some buying of pounds out of Singapore .
15 Anecdotes like this help to flesh out the inanimate objects we sell .
16 BBFC policy follows British law in ruling out all such depictions lest they come to exercise a normalising , disinhibiting influence on men who have the power and the opportunity to do untold harm to their offspring .
17 For many couples , this type of row out of bed , often made up in bed , does some useful repairing .
18 It 's a different sort of life out there , to some extent .
19 I 'm not gon na go over t what my colleague has said but what I do wan na know is when are the Labour Party gon na get hold of some issue and make some sort of mileage out of it , because we 've got a number of sponsored MPs and we ca n't get 'em off the doorstep at election time , but when it comes about doing summat for us and consider the fact that it affects many many people and we talk about the links that the Labour Party and the trade union has , I think the Labour Party 's already severed 'em , as far as I 'm concerned .
20 Some sort of to-do out there , ’ he said .
21 Half the Dale believes him to be some sort of wizard out of the western mountains , and folk such as Bragad will use the rumours .
22 ‘ You and I are going to get filthily drunk , Prentice , and if by the time we get to the bottom of this bottle I have n't got some sort of sense out of you I 'm going to break it over your thick fucking skull . ’
23 Werewolf seemed to be conducting some sort of slaughter out there .
24 Is it possible Geoffrey Hoskin to have some sort of sort out , where people could be encouraged , compensated perhaps to leave their villages and towns and go back to the Republic from which their parents or grandparents originally came ?
25 The fly on top is on the contrary quite agitated , jerking tremendously , then convulsively , putting out its left foreleg to whip , or maybe to stroke some sort of reaction out of the fly beneath , which , however , remains so still that it seems dead .
26 Erm , that is kids may express curiosity , kids may even be doing things that imply they 're getting some sort of pleasure out of their bodies y'know they may be , as we used to call it when I was a child , playing with themselves , um they may be erm doing various things that er that give them some sort of bodily pleasure .
27 Obviously they thought that by letting this sort of thing out they would have an excuse for putting him away if he ever attempted to call their bluff , " Ha ! " they would be able to say , " Crazy ; read too much SF .
28 Because of the drive swapping the CONFIG.SYS file is stored in the uncompressed drive D. If you edit this file to REM out the DEVSWAP command you might be lucky enough to recover the ROM drive but I can not guarantee it .
29 The old Apache Group , now restyled the Mips ABI Group , has added a few members ( current count is 16 ) and is going to stage a rally later this month to wheel out the promised ABI .
30 Lacking the long-established authority of Time Out or the political commitment of City Limits , Event fell awkwardly between both stools .
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