Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Such an incident resulted in a total wipeout in one of the author 's tanks containing a pair of Emperor Angels and a shoal of Butterflyfish .
2 The authority wants to revamp the site to meet new social services guidelines limiting the number of people in each bungalow from eight to six .
3 Although the tendency for a , substantial share of the self-employed to classify themselves as " managers " ( see Creigh et al , 1986 ) reduces the meaningfulness of occupation analysis , the general picture is one of a higher share of self-employment amongst temporary workers who could be viewed as " professionals " and a much lower level amongst those in low grade white collar jobs .
4 Second , while many other tax sources are buoyant , property assessments only rise slowly and so more revenue means raising the tax rate and this always causes trouble as the tax is regressive , weighing more heavily as a percentage of total income on those in the lower income ranges .
5 This is not to say , though , that the interests of the local population were entirely ignored ; for , if one of the primary purposes of fortifications was to guard the necessary physical organs of tax recording and collection and the necessary officials , then a secondary purpose may possibly be glimpsed in the simultaneous protection of some of the economic base from which many of the tax payments were derived ; hence the inclusion of markets , shops , workshops and houses .
6 The cat was white , a Suristani with a prehensile tail , and it hung from the lower branch of one of the trees and slashed at the dogs which were clustered below .
7 Many of these potential investigators , however , had little experience beyond that of private pilots , though some had acquired engineering qualifications of various kinds .
8 We believe that regional government has proved to be a key economic regenerator of many of the European regions .
9 Erm , I should also say that bit about some of us were even gods , erm that also is erm there are some options there on translation erm you could also say men who were different and particular , that is we were and erm particular humans and we were gods .
10 Finland : the Eduskunta , voting on Oct. 26 , exceeded the required two-thirds majority with 154 in favour , 12 ( Finnish Rural Party and Greens ) against and 32 abstentions .
11 The General Synod of the Church of England on Nov. 11 approved , with the necessary two-thirds majority in each of its three houses , a measure to permit the ordination of women priests .
12 He has little sympathy with those in his party who want more radical action .
13 These data suggest that DRP , like dystrophin , binds actin and consequently may have a similar cellular function to that of dystrophin .
14 We were unable to obtain a footprint of the α-truncated polymerase at wild-type lac promoter in contrast with the wild-type enzyme which , in conjunction with CRP and cAMP , gave an extensive protection from -80 to +20 interrupted by several hypersensitive bands .
15 Instead he had to contend with the usual difficulty of those with rights in personam : if the trustee was insolvent , they would be worth little .
16 Adomnan recalls in his biography of Columba , written a century after the saint 's death , that one day the monks became aware of a strange presence in one of their pastures ; this experience occurred again at the same time every evening .
17 Sole occupancy of one of the rooms without balcony is possible for a £55 supplement .
18 The combat is flanked by chariots ( fig. 62 ) , which present the sharpest possible contrast with those of south and west .
19 Within a declining overall level of grant , there has been a marked increase in the share targeted for particular purposes ( specific and supplementary grants rose from 17.6 per cent of the total grant in 1981/82 to 23.6 per cent in 1986/87 ( Douglas and Lord , 1986 , p. 29 ) ) .
20 His former manager Jimmy Lumsden admitted that only Dziekanowski 's reputation for the high life enabled City to snap up the ball-playing genius from Celtic for a bargain £250,000 .
21 A total budget for 1990 of RF40,960 million was adopted by the CND on Jan. 19 , 1990 .
22 A one-bedroomed apartment for 4 with 2 convertible sofas in the lounge .
23 A one-bedroomed apartment for 3 with convertible sofa in the lounge .
24 It is now being hailed as a possible saviour of many of the notoriously polluting eastern European plants .
25 Frankie knew every gilded swirl and cherub , every plaster rose , every painted bulb in each of the hanging light-fittings .
26 Estée Lauder 's latest launch , Time-Zone , looks set to continue this preoccupation with dry skin as one of the first and most uncomfortable signs of an ageing complexion .
27 John Henderson takes a light-hearted look at some of the curious dress regulations in the equestrian world
28 Believe it or not , it 's been a very pleasant experience for all of us .
29 The secret of good , smooth surface finishes , particularly with polishing by hand , is careful washing and complete removal of abrasive from both specimen and lap before moving on to finer grades .
30 It makes a refreshing change from some of today 's more powerful and aggressive perfumes , and like Guerlain 's other fragrances , Samsara should become one of the great classics .
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