Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] can [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 However , there seems to be very little I can do with it .
2 Tony Barton , who guided Aston Villa to European Cup glory in 1982 , is another who can identify with Mr Souness 's problem .
3 As it is , there is not much she can do with her curls except , every now and again , crop them brutally short just to demonstrate how inadequately they represent her character .
4 But she 's on a early she can come with him and we 'll go in her car .
5 If you decide that you need to read the whole of this particular book , decide how much you can cope with in one session .
6 I am much more interested in just how much you can do with those amazing eyes of yours . ’
7 There 's only so much you can do with a Super B , ’ he shrugged .
8 I mean , there 's not much we can do with a two-minute video ’
9 I mean , there 's not much we can do with a two-minute video . ’
10 There 's not much we can do with being in or out the building or is there ?
11 The existing members were told you can either join the new scheme with its improved benefits , reduced contributions , with certain rules that were operating in favour of the employer that were against them , but it was a balancing act , or if you do n't want that you can stay with the old scheme and continue with exactly the same terms .
12 But none that you can juggle with inside here .
13 As a present to you , we will give you anything we have that you can take with you ; but the land , never .
14 But you might say no , it 's fine I can live with all those .
15 I 'm not sure I can cope with this .
16 Her future mother-in-law , peering worriedly at her , said , ‘ You 're sure you can cope with God ?
17 The Dell 320SLi Notebook is generally an excellent machine , but if you 're thinking of buying one , check out the screen first to make sure you can live with it .
18 ‘ There are many you can walk with . ’
19 All you can do with these songs is sing them , and Buddy fails even to manage that with any subtlety .
20 I use is it , is that all you can do with it ?
21 In any difficult situation we can know that when we have done what 's in our power to do , we can place our problem into God 's hand and into God 's care , knowing that he perhaps has other hands to take up our work that we have done all we can do with .
22 All we can say with certainty is that it would be the biggest man-made explosion in history , which does n't sound so bad when you say it quickly as I 'm saying it now .
23 Well I think all we can say with any confidence is that the patterns of evolution and behaviour going on within it today indicate that it has an apparent beginning between about fifteen and eighteen billion years ago .
24 All one can say with any certainty is that the Pounds ( and probably the Yeatses also ) paid at least two visits to Sicily in these years , and that on at least one occasion — probably on more than one — they stayed there for some weeks , if not months .
25 The two companies say they are confident they can comply with the licences , which they first applied for in March 1991 .
26 The following day : ‘ Oh how I envy those who can charge with a bayonet instead of waiting to be buried by a shell , ’ and , finally , the admission :
27 That 's one ten-per-cent he can have with pleasure !
28 These are self-report inventories where the testee has the possibility of cheating in that he can respond with an answer which he considers will give him a good score rather than providing a completely truthful one .
29 To this end they have collectively built up an enormous fund of local knowledge and experience , not just of the water and its peculiar hydrodynamics but also the sides of the gorge as well , things like the best portage routes , where to escape out of the gorge in an emergency , where and how close you can get with transport , nearest telephone , helicopter landing sites , etc , a sad spinoff of being on call for river search duties in the event of tragic emergency .
30 I mean , you have a kid , a little baby boy , and the best you can do with it is to name it John ?
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