Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] had [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Before all this I had never been a fisherman but I have now taken it up and am enjoying it , ’ he said .
2 I realized then just how many times , over the months , I had had evidence of this fear , and how careful I had always been to avoid doing or saying anything that could threaten the bastions he erected to guard his frail defences .
3 At Prime Minister 's Questions in the afternoon Margaret Thatcher was challenged by a Labour MP , Jeff Rooker , on the change and although she managed to deflect the question it was clear she had not been briefed .
4 All sorts of people , Cypriot and Lebanese , wandered in and out all the time , sometimes escorted , sometimes not , and although El-Jorr seemed to know most of them , there were clearly some who had simply been told to drop in and introduce themselves .
5 Of the three quarters ( 78 per cent ) of those registering as unemployed who had previously been in work , only six per cent volunteered that they had become unemployed as the result of a temporary job coming to an end .
6 ‘ I would appreciate it more if this one had n't been prompted by resentment of another man . ’
7 Catering to the needs of the poor would hardly have doubled the number of London architects in twenty years ( from just over 1,000 to 2,000 — in the 1830s there had probably been fewer than one hundred ) , though building and renting slum property could be a very lucrative business , judged by the income per cubic foot of low-cost space .
8 Dating from around 1903 it had clearly been well played with as it was scratched and chipped and lacked a front wheel .
9 The need to build on that which had already been achieved at the primary stage appeared to be still undervalued .
10 That which had once been given could never , without injustice and danger to souls , be alienated .
11 But that was less surprising than that somebody had still been issuing such certificates in the chaos that had been Germany , just three weeks before the final surrender .
12 The man slid into her chair , still talking , apparently unaware she had ever been there .
13 And the sobbing began again , and to see her so defeated — remembering how gallant she had always been , even in the alley when she had attacked her assailant with her shoe — overwhelmed him .
14 Until she was thirteen she had never been outside the Grange garden alone .
15 On Feb. 20 , 1990 , the Istanbul State Security Court acquitted three of the 10 who had subsequently been charged with being officials of the UTCP .
16 You are obviously determined to believe that I deliberately and maliciously set out to destroy you , knowing as I did how much you had already been hurt . ’
17 It was amazing they had n't been invaded by detectives and policemen already .
18 On 30 April 1991 , the applicant , the chairman and managing director of a company , was charged that between 1 January 1985 and 29 April 1991 he had knowingly been a party to the carrying on of the business of the company with intent to defraud its creditors , contrary to section 458 of the Companies Act 1985 .
19 Simple it had n't been !
20 The only lodgings James had been able to afford were so squalid he had scarcely been able to concentrate on his studies for the cold each winter , and the thought of a house and a wife to warm his bed had been added incentive to pursue marriage plans with Maud Rollerson .
21 By the age of thirteen he had twice been shipwrecked and had survived two epidemics of yellow fever , a hurricane , and two serious illnesses .
22 The night she got pregnant she had already been feeling depressed , and afterwards she immediately regretted what had happened .
23 It was possible she had never been in a tunnel before , except perhaps in a car going quickly through some underpass .
24 More fun , Carrie thought , and was glad she had n't been left behind , as some of her friends had been , in the big town at the other end of the valley .
25 If he 'd just been trying to clear the hell out , then it meant there were probably other FAKINTIL escapers at large who had n't been able to make it back to the mountains either .
26 She felt a clench in her stomach of resentment and rage as she remembered just how pathetically servile she had once been .
27 The previous one had never been clean before the next one arrived ; they had had dummies shoved in their mouths to keep them quiet until they were four or five ; and they crawled , ran and fell around the place — filthy , whining and hungry — until Onyx was forced to give them some of the attention they needed .
28 Until 1975 there had never been formal , regular board meetings , merely ad hoc occasions when , for example , they needed to fire someone .
29 Since Dysart too had been to Oxford , it was possible that by taking Morpurgo on at Tyler 's Hard he had merely been doing an old chum a favour .
30 The Health chairman was unmoved ( leading Awlad Amira to remark later that everything had already been decided , there was no true democracy ) and was about to raise another aspect of the question when a speaker at the public microphone began to talk about the roads , mentioning the present high cost of transport across the Sahara .
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