Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] go [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the best form of advertising is that which goes on all the time through everyday contact with users of the service .
2 But nineteen thirteen I went to this examination and it was called a Labour Examination , and if you were able to pass this examination you could leave school at thirteen .
3 I go to college now I 'm doing my G C S Es and I 'm enjoying them very much and I 'm glad I went onto that course first .
4 you see and I 'm glad I did n't miss it , I 'm glad I went through all what I did and , and this particular raid , you see , the siren went and they said a telegraph office read , you see , an and then I thought I 'll go to the back door and I went to the , well it was actually on the front of the station and I went to the front of the station and there was this plane swooping down like that and of course , you see , the bombs did n't fall down straight like that but they went as the plane went and they knocked down a row of houses at the end of the road .
5 When we were taking away three we went in this direction , for three .
6 That one went into another sack .
7 All who went through that regime of training remember the extremes of fatigue and of being pushed to their limits .
8 ‘ Father vould n't really vant him to go for all the summer . ’
9 I personally and I 'm sure it goes for many here , have spent a long time in the private rented sector and if the opportunity existed to get into council housing we would have taken it .
10 ‘ Give me that short one to go with this . ’
11 But people do n't but th they do n't go for that they go for that because they do n't like the taste of chlorine .
12 So it was swinging back and forth almost coming to the rock and we thought well if that mine goes off that 's the end of it .
13 When we learn anything new we go through several stages :
14 Next they went to another small machine where a foil cap was forced firmly against the neck of the bottle .
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