Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] have not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As usual I had not named my squad so as to keep the opposition guessing — all I had announced was that there would be eleven players in the team .
2 Yeah I have but I do n't how to do them like this I 've not seen it been d drawn out like that .
3 And there 's no use getting in the exam on Thursday and say ah well I 'm afraid I 've not done it on that arm so erm lost
4 She hardened her heart and thought she should swiftly make it clear she had not come in search of him .
5 Black holes have had tremendous press coverage in recent years , so there can be few who have not heard the term .
6 " She is active physically but I am afraid she has not retained all her mental faculties . "
7 However , there seemed to be a risk of a further overdose because it was clear that this one had not produced the desired effect .
8 This one had not bloomed and its flat spread of leaves was almost hidden under the long grass .
9 It is an all too sobering thought that in 1993 we have not developed the mechanisms which will enable us to index , search , and analyze those data according to our very many and particular research interests .
10 As he intensified the party 's efforts to lure floating voters away from the Liberal Democrats , the Labour leader made clear he had not ruled out holding a referendum on constitutional change .
11 The Eastern Arts report of nineteen eighty six was never completed what the Eastern Arts did in actual fact was to produce a draft report and promised that the final report would be complete and circulate it as to date which is nineteen ninety-one we have not received the final report of the Eastern Arts appraisal .
12 In Kufra , for example , Zuwaya cadres drew back from imposing the full rigours of socialist regulation on members of opposed Zuwaya groups ; but in Ajdabiya — closer to Tripoli , more heterogeneous because swollen by immigration — Magharba cadres did not refrain from threatening Zuwaya landlords with expropriation ( although by 1979 they had not put their threats into action ) .
13 Well I say it 's er amazing they 've not said , said something
14 So many people were interested in Sidacai 's fate that Alexei thought it was amazing they had not combined to petition Artai .
15 I am sorry you have not heard from Sydney , you can not be long without letters , if they are not arrived already [ letter torn ] .
16 ‘ I am glad you had not run away , ’ she said in an unwontedly meek voice .
17 She was glad she had not got one ; it was n't worth the trauma .
18 Looking up at the illuminated sign overhead she was glad she had not attempted to push her way in .
19 After hearing this not very accurate view of Clare 's opinions , poor Tess was glad she had not mentioned her ancestors .
20 Being called upon by the media as an expert , either in print or in a programme which it is obvious you have not paid for , lends far more credence to your comments than if it is obvious you have paid to have them put in —
21 ‘ It is likely we have not seen the worst of the conditions , ’ he added .
22 Not only is the method not scientific but , to the extent that Marx did make certain historical prophecies which can be related to empirical evidence over long periods of time , these can be examined and by and large they have not proved to be valid .
23 We were glad he had not lived to see four of his sons in Army and Air Force uniform .
24 It was lucky he had not choked .
25 It is not a very profound play Francesca , anything else you wanted to throw in that we 've not included here ?
26 We have , however , been somewhat haphazard in our plans in that we have not progressed all of the key issues in parallel and we are in the process of preparing detailed quarry plans for each location progressing estate issues , planning requirements , confirming geological and hydro geological aspects and setting all of this against market requirements .
27 Now I can be quite sure I had not intended this pleasing symmetry .
28 After a few minutes I unexpectedly found myself singing a song which I was sure I had not sung since Eton days forty years before .
29 ‘ You sure you 've not flown before ? ’
30 Are you sure you 've not had my card Richard ?
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