Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [vb base] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 " I 'm so sorry I keep treading on you , I just ca n't help it .
2 On top of everything , he gave me 500 dollars for my twenty-first birthday and it 's this I intend sharing between Jenny and the family . ’
3 I think that the first thing that one would have to say is that we work for the Ministry of Defence , and not the Ministry of War and therefore we are about defence , we 're about the maintenance of peace , erm this you know maintaining of justice etc etc .
4 Well they do n't want the queen 's English they want blooming in fact up er
5 I 've said how much I like programming from a simple map printed on top of this type of unit ( BOSS 's ME-6 and ME-10 operate in a similar way ) , and the A4 really could n't be simpler .
6 There are so many great young designers there now and everyone knows just how much I love shopping for clothes , ’ said Kylie .
7 Let's stop trying to get women to support us by crawling to them — it 's obvious they prefer voting for devils or weeds than for decent men ( let alone decent women ) , and bribing them with a Women 's Ministry did n't work .
8 I used to be able to , but just lately I 've found it 's impossible ; once I 'm awake I start worrying about the silliest things . ’
9 All I remember thinking of as I pushed the trolley and looked at the red face and eyebrows was , My friend , you are about to take the longest journey a man ever takes in this life .
10 I 'm not sure I need reminding of this trip . ’
11 All who view reading as a language process would probably agree .
12 Well all you hear talking about army , army , army
13 One is for Flowers for the Altar , one for St. Anthony which is given to the poor who come looking for help at various times of the day and night , and the third is for Sending a Sick Child to Lourdes , the cost of which is approximately £350 .
14 All we keep getting off them is I says , you mean to say , we 're paying two and half thousand pounds worth of repairs , I says , and they 're not done ?
15 3 I Like Driving in my Car ( MADNESS ) Virgin Records to advise position after referring the request back to the artists ( 21/6 ) .
16 Now draw a much more elastic I curve passing through point a .
17 I love showing them things , but even when I am alone I enjoy playing with the toys .
18 She says : ‘ When I was 29 I remember going to bed and thinking I hope I do n't wake up 30 , which is dreadful .
19 Promoters presumably would fall within Albert 's nongenotoxic or epigenetic category , a daunting prospect to those who favour erring on the side of safety .
20 In the UK , for example , there is evidence that the local authority council house system has reduced mobility over long distances for those who seek housing in this sector ( Hughes and McCormick 1981 ) .
21 An annual briefing on cable break procedures and other emergencies would be very valuable for everyone who flies gliders , and particularly those who stop flying for long periods over the winter months and so get badly out of practice .
22 Social workers have been spotlighted as having a difficult job in dealing with young offenders and those who require counselling after such events .
23 But it is unreasonable from this to extrapolate ‘ the school ’ as one of the cornerstones of society — for what are schools but institutions in which , in the name of knowledge , we ghettoize the young , and keep them from adult company , coop up the violent with the meek , those who like learning with those who do n't , and in general fit them for the modern world , which one quick glimpse of the television will show them to be a violent , murderous , greedy , vulgar and horrid place , in which people in a good mood throw custard pies at one another and in a bad mood chop each other to pieces ?
24 For those who enjoy working with people and dogs , guide dog training has lots to offer — but you 'll need dedication and staying power !
25 Those who operate according to total ignorance about the women 's movement also pay scant attention to social class and race as critical concerns in the content and teaching and provision of what passes as adult education .
26 Perhaps those who live according to another theory of school see their rejection of the official line as contributing a dash of machismo to their public reputation .
27 twenty five you know depending on the size If there 's a dog out there
28 In the early 1960s I remember caddying for Brian Huggett and Peter Butler , but in those days we caddied for many players .
29 Para 5.1.1 We suggest adding at the end ‘ … is treated equitably within the constraints of corporate and strategic planning .
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