Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [vb base] [adv] it " in BNC.

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1 I think in a er incident like that I do n't it matters whether it 's male or female .
2 No because they 're going to I I think actually it 's quite er it 's quite wrong you know really it is quite wrong is n't it ?
3 Compared with some we keep now it is quite peaceful !
4 Oh I do n't know , if that one come up it would be , oh it 's not now .
5 If you are the sort of person who needs to go to the lavatory when you are nervous make sure you know where it is .
6 And if you go to this booklet here erm and see how many they have there it sometimes determines the amount of business you 're likely to generate .
7 From 15 to 50 , there are those whose beliefs lie with ‘ the system ’ , and those who lie outside it .
8 Those who are alienated from the institutions of authority and the state are certainly more prepared to break the law than those who are not ; among those who have been unemployed , the effect is +0.140 , and among those who have not it is +0.171 , an average effect of +0.155 .
9 We consider below the implications this result has for policy , and in chapter 6 we show how it can serve as the basis for an empirical test of the model .
10 Most people are quite happy if everything is fair , if things are fair they think well it 's fair .
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