Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [noun sg] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Over half my crew are dead , ’ Finnan said .
2 I spend half my day being frightened .
3 Half my family is dead , the other half is trying to emmigrate .
4 ‘ I 'm afraid my colleague was tactless . ’
5 The cat was black and white : half its face was black and half was white ; half its body was black and half was white .
6 The cat was black and white : half its face was black and half was white ; half its body was black and half was white .
7 By the age of one and a half her speech was perfect and she knew as many words as most grown-ups .
8 In all cases it is of the essence to specify the work to be done in an unambiguous form and to make it quite clear which party is responsible for which elements .
9 By two forty-five her confidence was complete ; nothing could stop her now .
10 A domain-specific dictionary may provide good performance within its own particular domain , but outside this its performance is brittle and inflexible .
11 Dr Clarke shows him as an insider addressing officials and economists of many shades of opinion , including some whose position was close to his own .
12 ‘ Thank you , ’ she said again , while the thought came to her , unbidden , horrifying and wicked , yet it would not go away : If the result of this amnio-whatever test is adverse , if there is something wrong with the foetus , then I could have an abortion with a clear conscience .
13 Even though he is staying at Wednesday , half his attention is sure to be elsewhere following all the recent transfer talk .
14 When worker Tung was six years old his family was poverty-stricken and starving .
15 This concept of a line of infinite length has a remarkable property in that its detail is unaffected by a change of scale .
16 That 's how , that 's how much my budget is overspent er ov overtime is overspent .
17 As such their contribution was crucial to the related locational changes in economic activity and in population which became so important from the third quarter of the eighteenth century .
18 As such its nature is essential to an understanding of the decisions and structures of the late twentieth century .
19 Nevertheless , the lad had reasons enough for his departure : by the late 1790s his mother was dead , his father solvent but none too rich , and his aunts , uncles and cousins all paupers or on the verge of becoming such .
20 Under the new covenant Yahweh makes himself present to his people as Spirit ( which seems to be the meaning of ‘ Now the Lord is the Spirit ’ 2 Cor 3:17 ) ; d such his presence IS constant , unwithdrawn and steady The divine presence , concentrated in Christ , and universalised through his death and resurrection , becomes available to transform his people .
21 I 'm glad my hair was clean .
22 It is not immediately obvious which group is responsible for this process , but it is active both mechanically and dielectrically .
23 Seeing the lowest of the low on a daily basis made you glad your child was normal .
24 All my luggage was ready , and I was feeling very happy when the postman arrived with some letters .
25 ‘ The reading of it has been a good preparation for Lent as far as I am concerned : for it shows me ( through the heroine ) the special sin of abuse of intellect to which all my profession are liable , more clearly than I ever saw before .
26 Well , Here it is , but before we start you may be surprised by the things that happened , but I promise all my tale is true .
27 ‘ Not all my family are bankrupt , ’ explained Pandora .
28 ‘ I was a big baby — I 'm obviously meant to be this size ’ , ‘ all my family are big ’ , ‘ I 've tried every diet , they just do n't seem to work for me ’ , ‘ I only have to look at a cream cake and I gain 2lbs ( 0.9kg ) ! ’
29 My love is true , but all my verse is rotten .
30 ‘ I 'm sure my presence is distressing for you , so I will keep this meeting brief .
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