Example sentences of "[adj] [art] [noun sg] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 If you take a sample er , of ce the cera cereblis fluid during the course of acute bacteria meningitis you will find it 's drowning , drowning , not due the fact that it 's an organism , but present , being due to the presence of puss cells .
2 Right keep notes , er we 're not talking about pigeon toes , we 're talking about club foot , which is a real problem , if we do n't treat this the baby when it grows up it 's gon na have difficulties in walking .
3 As Donald Rees from the South West Water Authority told the Lords : ‘ It is all very well lining a sewer at half the price that it would cost to build a new one , but in fact it may only last a quarter of a normal funding life and may therefore be uneconomic . ’
4 The fact is that the clackety-clack sound of ‘ plastic mac ’ is half the reason that it 's funny .
5 These days line is , in some cases , less than half the diameter than it was for a given breaking strain .
6 I suppose they 'd all gone in half a minute but it seemed an eternity of fascination and fear to a cringing youth .
7 The image of the island is to be found and cherished , above all , in the stories it has told about itself , and perhaps believed of itself , for nearly half a century since it emerged into the troubled and hungry peace of 1945 .
8 Living by himself , he had stopped taking milk : he never got through half a bottle before it went sour , since he drank coffee black and seldom ate cereals .
9 The visual impact of materials never fails to illicit a response if it is well chosen .
10 This intensely concentrated yet spacious journey-tale gives an impression of urgency by Masefield 's typical ‘ and-then ’ pattern and the energetic sequence of dangers and escapes which comply with the title ( Odtaa is ‘ One damned thing after another ’ ) — not as flippant a title as it might sound but an example of Masefield 's virtuosity in the way he can mix humour , tension and deep emotion without self-consciousness .
11 Although social class continues to structure party choice , it is no longer as reliable a predictor as it was in the 1950s and 1960s .
12 Exactly who , or what , triggered this Titanic blast , or what exactly was going on half an hour before it went off , we are not told .
13 Now , thanks to the turbine and an automatic lighting system , the lights come on half an hour before a train arrives and go off half an hour after it leaves .
14 Do not let the bird preen for at least half an hour or it will just pull the feather out .
15 So if Jimi had n't come along when he did , the guitar might not be half as popular an instrument as it is today . ’
16 The larger the pack the more liberal the usage so it is often worth incurring a packaging cost penalty .
17 Even so , it took great nerve and daring to ride that wind for such a distance and it is a fitting tribute to the bravery of the balloon pioneers , yet it will be seen that those men and women who followed Sadler into the skies display , in their own way , no less daring than he .
18 Nevertheless I could not believe that Parliament intended such a construction because it will produce what I regard as such unfair and absurd results .
19 But this is done in such a way that it creates the presumption that the university and its authorities , the institution , are at fault .
20 Subsequently , President Moi has consolidated his position in such a way that it has become difficult , if not impossible , for anyone to challenge his position by constitutional means .
21 These assert that , under perfect competition , market forces will cause resources to be used in such a way that it is impossible to make somebody better off without making somebody else worse off — in this sense , perfect competition avoids waste .
22 It is for someone to support the person whilst they try to unravel their thoughts in such a way that it becomes clear that they can say anything , no matter how bizarre or odd it sounds , because that will be the way they sort out their feelings in order to cope with them .
23 At the infrastructural level , the highways and transport system of Israel , Gaza and the West Bank were developed in such a way that it became increasingly easy to drive from Israel direct to one of the West Bank Jewish settlements without passing through Arab population centres .
24 The feeling of privacy , yet easy public accessibility of the hospice , is accomplished in such a way that it does not distort the fabric of the city .
25 Suppose it happened to bias meiosis in such a way that it , the mutant gene itself , was more likely than its allelic partner to end up in the egg .
26 Hand-outs usually give information and therefore the information must be accurate and set out in such a way that it can be easily read and understood .
27 Furthermore , the pain caused by the presence of an embedded spine makes the muscles it has penetrated contract in such a way that it is driven even deeper into the flesh .
28 The examination is set and marked in such a way that it excludes by its very nature from Science and Social Studies papers any questions based on the local environment .
29 A major requirement of a religion then , must be that , above all , it shall be capable of a simplified , but undistorted interpretation capable of being taught to the very young in such a way that it will instil in them the stirrings of what will become their consciences , that is , they will harbour a subconscious awareness of the fundamental nature of right and wrong as these are applied to those areas of human aspirations where they are beyond dispute .
30 Leaving aside the question of how such a perfect and whole symbiotic relationship could have ever evolved , Darwinian-style and piecemeal , out of ‘ random fluctuations in the DNA of wasp and orchid ’ , we are left with the interesting observation that the mind structure , or instinct , of the wasp is organized in such a way that it instinctively seeks this particular shape , for the purposes of fulfilling its urge to mate .
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