Example sentences of "[adj] [art] [noun] as [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The successful vote on energy policy reflected the broad national consensus which had developed since the issue was last addressed in a referendum in 1983 , when the proposal failed to secure a majority in more than half the cantons as required [ see p. 32643 ] .
2 He will then bill us for half the cost as agreed .
3 That had been as grievous a thing as seeing the head triumph ; that had caused the centuries of religious persecutions and wars .
4 If Albany speaks , it suggests an attempt to reassert authority he has just been trying to give away ( as Gurr proposes about as upbeat a close as leaving Denmark in Fortinbras 's control ) .
5 They have never been reformulated in such a way as to incorporate the consequences of the internationalization of media ownership and content .
6 The principal theoretical basis for these attempts to limit the role of " the masses " within the political system lay in the revision of traditional democratic theory in such a way as to incorporate some of the findings of modern political sociology , and some of the arguments of the classical elite theorists , Pareto , Mosca and Michels .
7 ( 3 ) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions , regard may be had to the previous conduct and activities in business or financial matters of the person in question and , in particular , to any evidence that he has — ( a ) committed an offence involving fraud or other dishonesty or violence ; ( b ) contravened any provision made by or under any enactment appearing to the Bank to be designed for protecting members of the public against financial loss due to dishonesty , incompetence or malpractice … ( c ) engaged in any business practices appearing to the Bank to be deceitful or oppressive or otherwise improper ( whether unlawful or not ) or which otherwise reflect discredit on his method of conducting business ; ( d ) engaged in or been associated with any other business practices or otherwise conducted himself in such a way as to cast doubt on his competence and soundness of judgement .
8 This period has seen capitalism shake out labour in such a way as to decimate the working class , now much smaller , living in decaying urban areas , with little chance of upward mobility , and yet create the conditions for a relatively secure middle class .
9 The Bank also manages the redemption of existing stock in such a way as to smooth the demands on the government 's financial resources .
10 Furthermore we want to embed the chains in such a way as to use the random walk statistics we have derived for freely rotating chain segments .
11 The de Rosier team argue that this need not be true if an active site on one part of the molecule can affect other sites on the complex in such a way as to facilitate movement of intermediates between sites .
12 Sociobiology 's central idea is that an organism such as an animal or human being acts and competes for resources in such a way as to maximise its reproductive success .
13 An own-brander is liable if he has own-branded the goods in such a way as to hold himself out as being the producer .
14 The tapestries and wall-paintings look slightly different to different people , in such a way as to foster thoughts of distrust and discord between them .
15 However , how active are citizens today and is the system organised in such a way as to foster , or stifle their participation ?
16 In each novel there is an effect of double-voicing : the female voice speaks through the discourses in question in such a way as to shift their emphasis .
17 As early as The Sycamore Tree Brooke-Rose displayed frustration with the limitations of the traditional character , but in Textermination she succeeds in manipulating these limitations in such a way as to move beyond them without completely abandoning the trappings of realism .
18 Indeed , philosophers such as Susan Mendus , of York University , produced a novel apologia for liberal book-banning : ‘ Where free speech is employed in such a way as to destroy the possibility of communication and of mutual understanding , then its raison d'etre is destroyed , ’ she argued .
19 Luther Reynolds ridiculed David in front of her , belittling him in such a way as to destroy any respect she might have had for her husband ; although she could not help but like him a little .
20 But our aim will be to franchise out services in such a way as to reflect regional and local identity and make operating sense .
21 Moreover , such tests could be devised in such a way as to reflect what I have argued to be the most important feature of any new curriculum , the equal importance of the practical and the theoretical .
22 But behind the apparently straightforward process of assigning numbers to variants of a variable in such a way as to reflect , reasonably faithfully , their phonetic and social relationships with each other lies a great deal of linguistic , sociological and mathematical abstraction .
23 A further element of contrast built into the research is that it will explore how inter-agency policies are negotiated and enacted at a local level , in a small number of tightly defined neighbourhoods which will be chosen in such a way as to reflect demographic variations , differences in housing stock and employment , varying local crime rates , ethnic diversity , and other relevant factors .
24 A pair of wellington boots stood below a big black overcoat in such a way as to give the impression that a very tall man was standing against the wall , watchful and silent .
25 Yanto laughed when he realised the old joker had palmed the sawdust and was allowing it to trickle in such a way as to give the impression that it was trickling from his ear .
26 The upper skin of the armadillo 's body has evolved into a hard horny covering that is hinged in such a way as to give the animals at least some degree of flexibility .
27 Lesbian and Gay-Men 's Sub-Committees were set up in such a way as to give a high level of representation to people from outside the council 's structure , and to ensure that their voices could be heard .
28 Thus for example where there is any ambiguity in domestic law the courts have said that they will resolve that ambiguity in such a way as to give effect to our international obligations .
29 There is little point in writing an excellent script if it fails , through your own fault , to be processed in such a way as to give you full credit .
30 That can mean only that the common agricultural policy is to be reformed in such a way as to take money from the United Kingdom and give it for cohesion to countries outside .
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