Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] any [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Teachers may be apprehensive about any number of things .
2 When an attempt is made to set him up as a Saint , it is scarcely possible for any man of good sense who knows the history of his times to preserve his gravity .
3 Since the end of Athens ' archaic war with Eleusis it would have been absurd for any deme of Attica to think of rivalling Athens .
4 Lady Street had returned to what must have been normal for any morning at this time ; the delivery vans had gone , there was sporadic traffic in the one-way street , and people had no time to stand about gawping at the bookshop though they slowed their pace in passing and tried to look in without appearing to do so .
5 She sat in the drawing-room and received all the callers , genuinely grateful for any tribute to Aunt Emily although there seemed to be , among all the people who came so punctiliously , hardly anyone who had known her really well .
6 We would also be grateful for any feed-back on the educational materials we produce for supporting the curriculum , either through our volunteer or direct to Head Office .
7 We would be grateful for any advice on how to achieve this and would also be interested in hearing from other community groups .
8 The trainers would be grateful for any feedback about QT Days .
9 I would be very grateful for any information on this fish , which I have seen in other shops as Shark Catfish .
10 I would be grateful for any information on previous or proposed studies in this area .
11 Her mother identified it as a wayfaring tree and she 'd been cutting it back during the summer and it did n't seem to mind but she 'd be very grateful for any information about the wayfaring tree which presumably she 'd like to keep and continue to grow in her garden .
12 I AM doing research into the Victorian Temperance Movement in Liverpool and would be grateful for any information concerning characters , events , strategies , minutes , tracts , hand-bills , meeting places etc. , that your readers might be able to provide .
13 Anne felt that she considered her a green fool , and Mabel was indignant that Hetty was very ready to accept the ‘ perks ’ of the job , such as the cakes and bread given to the staff by Mrs Dyson , and the extra money from Mr Dyson , but was always on the alert for any infringement of her rights .
14 But one looks in vain for any discussion of their physical growth , where their original core lay , of the directions in which they grew , and when and why , and of what accounts for their street plan and their shape today .
15 SIR — There has been a great play made of the impact of the minimum wage factor in the Social Chapter , but I have waited in vain for any reference to the other and more far reaching elements .
16 One looks in vain for any reflection of this outpouring of German song in keyboard tablatures .
17 It was the best for any wicket by a visiting team at Acklam Park and the largest for any wicket against Yorkshire in 11 years .
18 More than one appeal concerned solely with the scale rather than the principle of whether there should be any development , has been dismissed on the grounds that the site was unsuitable for any development at all .
19 I indeed er in the er companies act in nineteen eighty nine the minister himself er argued that for any system to be effective there had to be a distance between regulators and regulations but the only people who have done any inquiry into B C C I which is the Institute er it itself is the mafia regulating the mafia auditors trying to regulate er the the auditors .
20 The implications of this for any study in which sample recruitment is time consuming or invasive are obvious .
21 It also provides the context in which to consider both the claim that for the later Foucault knowledge is absolutely determined , leaving him in the impossible situation of requiring something outside this for any prospect of critique , as well as the question of exactly how power and resistance are interdependent and to what extent they are separable .
22 In theory it is conceivable for any increase in aggregate demand to raise output and employment levels as long as full employment of the labour force has not been reached .
23 Once a person has become unemployed for any length of time , the chances are that he or she will continue to be unemployed .
24 ‘ It is quite wrong for any member of this House to compare what happened in 1957 to what happened last week . ’
25 In particular it was almost universally agreed , at least until near the end of this period , that it was wrong for any group of politicians to unite to offer systematic and continuous opposition to the government .
26 The chances of these Communist tactics leading to the Third World War by 1953 were deemed too high for any complacency in Western capitals .
27 Section 5(3) provides that a person is not liable under section 2 for any damage by an animal ‘ kept on any premises or structure to a person trespassing there , if it is proved either ( a ) that the animal was not kept there for the protection of persons or property ; or ( b ) ( if the animal was kept there for the protection of persons or property ) that keeping it there for that purpose was not unreasonable . ’
28 The concept of God is as salient for any understanding of religion as is the concept of number for mathematics .
29 Okay you , I mean is any of this of any use to you ?
30 Three mounted officers rode into the field after the volley , but Sharpe had spurred well clear of any threat from the three men .
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