Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] she [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It would , she saw , be perfectly possible for her and Pilade to go to England the following year if someone could be found to run her boarding house for the time it would take .
2 Lydia felt briefly sorry for her and attempted to engage her in conversation , but it was no good .
3 She was a good deal teased by children playing in the parks , according to one park-keeper who was sorry for her and tried to help her , and once had her bags snatched by a gang of youths .
4 She was touchingly , comically independent , young , undefeated — he was afraid for her and wished her well .
5 He took her to the airport nurse , who could find nothing wrong with her but agreed that she might be suffering from jet lag and needed only to rest .
6 Did you see t what do you make of that blackie with that lovely lovely young girl , pretty as a picture , and he were doing this round her and leaning back , and his great big lips ooh ooh !
7 The lady in the story ( as plainly told as it is titled ) inexplicably turns , halfway through an ordinary afternoon , into a bright-eyed vixen ; and the man in the story , equally inexplicably , Boy thought , remains faithful to her and loves her dearly even when she leaves him in order to raise a family with another animal and he even , in the end , goes mad with love for her .
8 Perhaps too the journey had reminded her of the dreadful certainty that within a few years her beauty would fade , and all these inflated hopes and fears had combined to produce a mood of abandon utterly foreign to her that had found its culmination in that jungle storm .
9 Too strong-willed and forceful to remain easily in any slot into which a male-oriented Moslem society might force her , regarding marriage , certainly to a Moslem , as the ultimate form of prison , conducting life as a ceaseless battle for Home Rule and Independence , she sometimes found things too much for her and plunged into pits of despair , from which she would spring out again almost immediately with a soar and a vehemence which left Owen dazzled .
10 She had never liked Mona Rigby — who would n't have been chosen twice for the coveted role if the staff had known as much about her as did Brenda — and she was n't sure that she really liked Miss Foley .
11 And Glenn Close 's stubborn and pain-ridden performance as Sunny makes you sad for her and hate her at the same time .
12 Tony was right behind her and bent his blond head to kiss her smiling mouth .
13 The coat was far too large for her and trailed the ground as she stalked off ; she did n't bother to hitch it up .
14 Israel is surrounded by countries which are very hostile to her and do not accept her existence .
15 Towards the end of this time , the mother looks as though she has a bunch of pink grapes on her underside and clambering about the branches or running over uneven ground not only becomes awkward for her but looks distinctly uncomfortable for her young .
16 A whole exciting new scene was being born all about her and pushing her out of the way .
17 ‘ It was terrible for her and left her very shaken up .
18 This was a small mercy for those who fell foul of her and faced ruined careers or worse .
19 took all of , all of her and burn burn , I 'm going to look at .
20 Molly 's sleep had been deep and dreamless but she woke up early , saw Hugh unconscious beside her and replaced the sheet he had kicked away as she might cover one of the children .
21 and was ashamed of her and kept her down
22 Constance was appalled at the thought of being alone with her but rose helplessly as Gioella stretched out her hand .
23 She had been so worried about the mistress , and it was n't just because of the way she had torn into the work this morning , nor because of the bairn growing heavy inside her and making life uncomfortable .
24 Many nights she had cried with loneliness when he was fast asleep beside her and risen smiling the next morning to continue the battle .
25 Finally he moved his chair nearer to her and said with great feeling , ‘ I once thought that he was a liar and a thief .
26 I felt very proud of her and read her the letter .
27 Ironically enough , on recovery her parents were gentler with her and began gradually to compromise to a certain extent , and now she is at a college of further education .
28 Folly cut the tape that sealed the box nearest to her and pulled off the lid .
29 Iris grabbed the hand nearest to her and squeezed it .
30 He held the door open for her and escorted her back to the dressing-room .
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