Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] it [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They told the inquiry that if a particularly strong FM transmission was made very near the radio it might be possible for it to pick up the sub-harmonic at around 14 MHz but that such a signal could not have emanated from a low-powered , hand-held type of two-way radio .
2 Well I think she could be right about it starting off as that , I do n't know .
3 If , as a result of its inquiries under s47 , it concludes that certain action should be taken to safeguard or promote a child 's welfare it must take that action so far as it is both within its power and reasonably practicable for it to do so ( s47(8) ) .
4 No you do n't have to , there 's no , there 's no rea there 's no , there 's no thing that makes someone but it , it if you 're pissed off it does n't , you do n't have to have a special reason to be pissed off you can just be pissed off like you can just be annoyed , it 's like saying you 're annoyed when someone nicks your towels .
5 Makes the ground too dry for it to grow on .
6 It makes it easier for it to fall out , when a woman is pregnant , in the last few months of pregnancy she produces lots of hormones which relax the muscles in her body do n't they ?
7 The woodwind parts are too high for it to double effectively . )
8 The food — chicken , brochettes , couscous — comes on a plate and half of it stays there .
9 When I reached the turn I found half of it gone already .
10 And getting half of it chucked back because it 's not clean enough .
11 The sort of gesture that might , reasonably , allow a chap to knock over a bottle of wine and make sure at least half of it got all over Donald 's plate .
12 This may stem partly from ignorance about specific techniques but some of it goes back further to past failures at school with arithmetic .
13 Every now and again some of it fell off , sometimes on to the lane , often on to the nomes stumbling along it .
14 The light from the torch hits a special reflective layer behind the retina , known as the tapetum , and some of it bounces back out again .
15 War on the ground is really a man with a large field with curved corrugated metal huts to keep pigs in to grub all the vegetation off to feed them up to get themselves eaten by other men to help those men to have the energy to work to make the curved corrugated metal huts and grow other food in other fields that gets eaten by another lot of men who leave some of it to feed back to the pigs .
16 The amber liquid shook in the glass and some of it spilled on to the tan cloth of her Burberry .
17 Some of it spilled inadvertently on the nearest congregation , particularly Carmella and Joey .
18 Sure , some of it does n't exist yet we 've got ta create this stuff , but , you know
19 The memoir tells not only of heroic chemical engineering ( some of it sounds alarmingly primitive today ) but also of bachelor life in upstate New York in the 1950s .
20 I get on my knees and manage to wipe away nearly all of the blood , though some of it sticks stubbornly in the crevices of the floor .
21 He took a mouthful of ale , some of it dribbling down into his stubble .
22 Some of it arrived about two weeks after she had written to the box number , in the shape of three typewritten pages .
23 On the shelf below him the old man was vomiting again , too weak even to roll over so that blood and mucus oozed down his chin and neck , some of it bubbling back into his throat .
24 Want some of it taken off then ?
25 And the next time you buy something from a shop and find there 's something wrong with it do n't just jump to conclusions that you 've been deliberately cheated .
26 I do n't know why the people who argued so much about it did n't go and ask these three what had happened .
27 In animals physical and emotional , if not mental , changes do occur but these have to be elicited by careful observation of the animal , as it is not easy for it to indicate directly how it feels , or how its perceptions and emotions have changed .
28 Assuming that the Court is prepared to make an interim payment , the amount it is empowered to make is : — ‘ such as it thinks just , not exceeding a reasonable proportion of the damages which in the opinion of the Court are likely to be recovered by the pursuer ’ .
29 The county of Powys ( almost all LFA ) had 240,600 hectares of rough grazing in 1955 which by 1982 had fallen to 179,052 hectares , much of it improved agriculturally .
30 The local stone here is gritstone , much of it brought down I suspect from the quarries on the flanks of Penhill , and on a summer 's evening , when the children are playing on the swings and people are sat talking quietly in the dying sunlight outside the pub while an old dog wanders across the green sniffing his way towards the children , then , when every building is tinted with amber and the gardens are heavy with blooms , it could well be said to be " t'prattiest lal spot i't'Dales " .
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