Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] be [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 This can be a critically important action as the human memory is notoriously selective , and loose-leaf and logbook notes are prone to be separated from the project plan .
2 There 's nothing manly to be expected from Silvio , unless that English witch knows something the rest of us do n't .
3 However , when we are prepared to be guided from within , it is no longer emotional desire that drives us , but the purity and clarity of reason , dictated by the ‘ pure will ’ of our hearts .
4 Some would seem to be associated with duns , there being three in the Dun Finn area , a large one at Dun Bhoreraig , some to be seen from the fort in the field below the steep rock face of Dun Nosbridge , and one of fifteen feet across at Trudernish .
5 Looking back , I suppose I was contented enough , though sad to be parted from Benjamin .
6 However self-critical you may be — and some executives set themselves standards of achievement which are unrealistically high , rather than too low — there is usually much to be gained from learning the views of others about your capabilities .
7 As ever , there is much to be gained from seeking expert advice at an early stage , especially since tax law changes at least as rapidly as employment law and your personal circumstances may also affect the view that you ought to take .
8 ‘ It must be stressed , however , ’ we noted , ‘ that the book has an optimistic tone , asserting that there is still much to be gained from life even in the quickening twilight years . ’
9 It might be unpractical to replicate eastern culture in the west , but there is much to be gained from extracting certain elements of that culture and adapting them to the western way of life .
10 The fact that the two hospitals were less than three miles apart , that they had a combined acreage of 375 acres , that they were outmoded from the point of view of treatment , and that both had ‘ spare capacity ’ because of the continued decline in the long-stay population meant that there was much to be gained from merger .
11 Given the chamber-like nature of the scoring , there is much to be gained from this .
12 There is much to be gained from integrating the considerations of culture and civil society in his work with the autonomist understanding of production and reproduction at the basal level which , at least for me , provides such a clear and coherent account of the capitalist relations of production and of the implications of those relations for class action .
13 There is much to be gained from preliminary survey of the whole preparation at low power , to provide a context for later detailed work .
14 AEA believes , therefore , that there is much to be gained from the coherence of its business units and that an important part of its task is to maintain and develop such coherence in the future .
15 This approach will also be suitable for many of the courses and units in the second phase but , where colleges are developing courses in the same occupational area , there is much to be gained from their collaboration .
16 Keep on the move wherever possible as there is much to be gained from flitting here and there .
17 Keep on the move wherever possible as there is much to be gained from flitting here and there .
18 Keep on the move wherever possible as there is much to be gained from flitting here and there .
19 Such facts speak for themselves and clearly emphasise Richards 's ( 1985 ) view ( section 4.4.1 ) that there is much to be gleaned from traditional agricultural/agroforestry methods if sustainable development is to be achieved in the light of current and projected population growth .
20 There is so much to be learned from what these women express in words and pictures — are we brave enough to listen ?
21 There is obviously still much to be learned from a study of the two hybrids .
22 The DTI is probably right in its complaint of poor man-management , for there is much to be learned from the Japanese in the art of inspiring loyalty in the workforce .
23 He became keenly aware that there was much to be learned from practice overseas but his method remained essentially descriptive , allowing his meticulously detailed reports to speak for themselves .
24 If I had time I would like to make a collection of the many stories there are about great conductors because I think there is much to be learnt from them .
25 There is much to be learnt from recognising demands within industry and working on them .
26 Within this tradition , the argument has been that Simmel 's The Philosophy of Money provides an important critique of alienation , which , unfortunately , the author perceived as a condition of modernity itself instead of a specific attribute of capitalism ; but , once his philosophy is directed back to its proper object , there is much to be learnt from his examples .
27 LL COOL J releases a new single on Def Jam records next week called ‘ Around The Way Girl ’ , the second to be taken from his recent album .
28 LL COOL J releases a new single on Def Jam records next week called ‘ Around The Way Girl ’ , the second to be taken from his recent album .
29 Christians need to reflect from time to time on their faith , knowing that it is easy to be distracted from their calling to be disciples .
30 It was later written that he was ‘ … right glad to be translated from Bristol to Exeter for , while the former See was poor , the latter was better endowed and he was not withheld by any scruples from begging for promotion ’ .
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