Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] what i [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And I 'll take this for what I 'm owed , ’ I said , and picked up the cloth of papers .
2 They wanted me to be different from what I was .
3 Everything seemed very different from what I was used to .
4 ‘ He 's extremely clever , very kind and supportive and always interested in what I 'm doing .
5 ‘ Are n't you interested in what I 'm going to do ? ’ she said , cold as stone .
6 I get she 's not really interested in what I 'm saying .
7 So often on this project even the oldest locals interested in what I was doing had no memory , actual or handed down , of the people mentioned by JTR .
8 Jackson was so interested in what I was saying that he forgot to deny he knew what I was talking about .
9 I was working on my own and I was n't aware of anyone doing similar work — or that anyone would be interested in what I was doing . ’
10 The money may not be brilliant , but it is not very different to what I was on last year .
11 Oh look , seems different to what I was doing .
12 Derek was always very supportive of what I was trying to do — helping me build the aviary in his back garden had made him interested in birds too — but I could n't expect him to drop everything and drive me from Tintagel to London .
13 I am aware that much of what I am saying makes me sound like some ageing Pollyanna who just wants to pretend that all is sweetness and light .
14 About individual differences , much of what I am saying here may not sound too bad , but many people will want to treat sex differences quite otherwise .
15 I did n't know how much of what I was saying he understood .
16 Er and much of what I 'm going to say today in the next twenty minutes i it 's bound in here , so there 's no need to take notes .
17 I can see part of Horse Guards Parade almost see myself standing there the other afternoon , looking up at these windows , still ignorant of what I was looking at .
18 Well I , I 've got ta be honest in what I 'm saying , I sat through two services yesterday the morning service did a lot for me .
19 Similar to what I was when I went .
20 However , at this new point in my life there seemed — as of course there was — nothing remarkable about what I was doing .
21 I feel very happy and passionate about what I 'm doing .
22 Without really being conscious of what I was doing , I ended up heading roughly north .
23 I would not do something if I was not 100pc comfortable in what I was doing . ’
24 Clifford-like with what I was saying , they quickly brought me back to reality . ’
25 So that , this is when fractions come into it and everybody starts getting a bit ooh I 'm not very sure of what I 'm doing here because it 's not , you know , it 's not obvious , it 's not very real
26 It 's possible I knew subconsciously all along what I was going to do with the gun .
27 Get up at two , I do n't think got much mention to them at all from what I was
28 For now I want to devote my all to what I am doing now .
29 Yet I can not relinquish the Situation without expressing my Obligation for your appointment though the Emolument fell short of what I was taught to expect .
30 So erm I still want to see more of what I was after .
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