Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [being] [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 I ought therefore to be grateful for being disorientated by the unfamiliar and the chance to focus the innocent eye .
2 RIO DE JANEIRO ( AP ) — Luis Sales , head of a Brazilian advertising agency , was freed unharmed after being held by kidnappers for two months .
3 He had fled the Philippines in early 1986 after being overthrown by Aquino 's supporters .
4 A like fate awaits the few surviving soldiers , including Rhodes , who is torn in half after being shot by Bub ( Howard Sherman ) , Dr Logan 's only ‘ success ‘ .
5 On the smaller Indonesian islands , where people are afraid of being killed by wild pigs , they have prefixed the names of biting flies and stinging plants with babi , meaning pig .
6 They are addressed as individuals and families and , furthermore , as frightened individuals and families , afraid of being crushed by , say , a socialist bureaucracy or large masses of immigrants .
7 Astronomers at JTL , afraid of being scooped by the amateurs , put out a press release claiming IRAS discovered it first — but they failed to mention the British team that found it for them .
8 Yes , but I was quite happy to feel like that , precisely because I was afraid of being influenced by my roots .
9 For six years Rita has lived the knife-edge existence of an illegal immigrant : invisible to the social services and institutions that citizens and landed immigrants can count on ; and constantly afraid of being discovered by immigration officials and deported .
10 So Ray then found himself in the position of spending a good many of his working hours enforcing a law which he was breaking himself and increasingly afraid of being arrested by one of his mates .
11 But the fact that part of de Gaulle 's prediction seems , more than two decades later , to have been borne out by events is only a partial defence of his policies — unless one subscribes to the view of his critics that he was more interested in being vindicated by posterity than in achieving results in his lifetime .
12 Faldo summed it up : ‘ I was not afraid at being caught by Greg .
13 His only real chance of coming to grief was that of being struck by a stray round-shot , an unlikely mishap , for they sank as soon as they landed .
14 Labour has not only neutralised most of those policy areas which make it unpopular ; more importantly , it has virtually erased the opportunity for Tories to accuse Labour of being run by the ‘ loony left ’ .
15 Adults take great delight in frightening them by invoking unexperienced horrors , such as being confronted by a Malay or a tiger .
16 Two of 249 Squadron 's Hurricanes ablaze after being strafed by Müncheberg and his pilots at Takali on 25 May 1941 .
17 Christine was X-rayed after being hit by a car .
18 In the mud , which the shelling had now turned to a consistency of sticky butter , troops stumbled and fell repeatedly ; cursing in low undertones , as if fearful of being overheard by the enemy who relentlessly pursued them with his shells at every step .
19 One in five appellants had made some attempt to obtain advice prior to the hearing , but only one in eight appellants is represented by an expert , as distinct from being accompanied by another member of the family or a friend without expert knowledge .
20 The deviation of the average Madeira composition from the correlation for the other islands supports the view that the origins of the Madeira magmas are distinct in being derived by small degrees of partial melting at high pressure in the garnet stability field , as garnet would cause fractionation of the rare earth elements .
21 Before you are allowed into the room in which the regalia are kept , you have to put on felt overshoes , as though the treasures were subject to being disturbed by excessive scuffling of feet .
22 These are less amenable to being uncovered by using conventional interviews or survey methods .
23 No suggestion was made that non-litigation costs were not amenable to being quantified by taxation .
24 He said that the public policy which the court was implementing was not some 19th century economic theory about the benefit to the general public of freedom of trade , but the protection of those whose bargaining power is weak against being forced by those whose bargaining power is stronger to enter into bargains that are unconscionable .
25 Wendy , who was taken ill after being struck by a mystery virus , received a man 's heart almost twice the size of her own .
26 A top woman jockey is critically ill after being crushed by her horse in a National Hunt race .
27 She was conscious of being pleased by such things .
28 He was conscious of being watched by unfriendly eyes which show he felt he was a stranger intruding .
29 But such a trifle was not worthy of being brought by such a gentleman as you seem to be .
30 Khan and Chilad ( 1982 : 49 ) saw these developments as the ‘ modest beginning ’ of a new phase in prison reform , in which , at last , ‘ institutional correction was accorded the status of an issue , worthy of being discussed by the political executive and the bureaucracy ’ .
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