Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun prp] [be] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The thing that I found most striking about Harwich was that there was so much sky around .
2 You can do some of Richard 's that I 'm supposed
3 What was really wrong with Eldorado was that nobody really cared much about what happened to the characters .
4 Modigliani 's style was so entirely different from Picasso 's that the two were in no way rivals .
5 Unfortunately , what was not made clear to George was that Frank had an extremely ambitious , though very pleasant , wife who insisted on participating in events to the exclusion of George , who had a very proper concern for himself .
6 Marx 's main quarrel with writers such as Maine is that they see the communal aspect of the descent group as growing out of the expansion of the family .
7 And the most impressive and frightening and metropolitan thing of all about London was that it was where Bob lived .
8 Meanwhile , former Pink Floyd member Roger Waters has attacked Madonna in the most recent issue of Details magazine : ‘ What 's extraordinary about Madonna is that she 's made all these rotten records , and she 's this awful , ugly , dull person who — by virtue of the fact that she 's completely fearless and shameless and blatant and cheap and bad — has become successful , ’ he says .
9 One of my reasons for becoming involved in Westland was that I felt in some respects that I owed them something .
10 The main conclusion drawn is not only that modern scientific notions of time are in many ways puzzling and paradoxical ; even more important for Shallis is that the essential quality of our actual experience of time is left out of such treatments altogether .
11 Their soft , fleshy , heavy contours — hardly the image of the perceived quintessential woman — were those of professional painters ' models ; what was important for Penn was that they were comfortable with their own bodies and not shy of intimacy with the camera .
12 Their soft , fleshy , heavy contours — hardly the image of the perceived quintessential woman — were those of professional painters ' models ; what was important for Penn was that they were comfortable with their own bodies and not shy of intimacy with the camera .
13 The second major difference between RENFE 's unions and those in BR is that the Spanish unions are not grade-based but compete across the board for membership .
14 Another first for Leese was that Stamford was the only place in the country where Fascists fought and won an election , for in contesting an election Leese broke the cardinal rule of the British Fascists never to intervene in the despised democratic system .
15 He did bring a picture with him : one of Gifford 's that Edwin was going to frame for us . ’
16 What is worrying about Nautilus is that the quality of its retina suggests that it would really benefit , greatly and immediately , from a lens .
17 well between the two between the two no the only between the two in Glasgow is that you 've got to cover it all anyway
18 What we did n't realise at the time was that one of the main reasons that Malcolm was so keen on John was that he was so like Richard Hell — who was one of Malcolm s mates in New York .
19 One thing which drew George close to Lennie was that he was lonely .
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