Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun prp] [conj] we " in BNC.

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1 We 're all sorry for Joanna and we appreciate how difficult it will be for you . ’
2 And you 'll be pleased to know that Frank Dobson has agreed to meet us on the fourteenth of June and we will make sure , to the best of our effort , that that policy will be endorsed .
3 Everything is different from Ilkley though we have met up with a family from Leeds , which makes it more like home . ’
4 It may be damp and windy in Bradford but we 're not complaining .
5 The cisterns run empty by July if we 're lucky , and who cares ?
6 Er this sort of thing , as I say i it reminds me very much of Versailles when we went round there .
7 Given our financial priorities , we will not be challenging the big six in Europe but we can expect to be an increasingly strong player .
8 John Robinson was telling us all in his 1963 book Honest to God that we should get rid of pictures of God as an old man with a beard living in the sky .
9 The Ibrox manager , Walter Smith , said : ‘ It is obviously a worrying wait to see if they will be fit for Belgium but we have had to overcome injury to both these players at other stages of the season and I can only hope we are able to do so again . ’
10 Erm that may be fine in America but we did n't think it was particularly relevant to this country although there 's nothing to stop anyone patrolling if they want to but we do n't particularly advise it .
11 Yes it 's okay till December so we do n't need
12 I tell him all about Teddy and we laugh about it .
13 We were up on the top floor and Ralph Horton came up to listen to us and was impressed , although I think he was more impressed with David than us .
14 Secondly I think the sad thing is is that at one time the idea of the foyer bar was the fact that er mother 's and children go in for a coffee facility or tea facility now I 'm I 'm one of one of the problems about criticism is is perhaps they do n't know all the facts and one of the facts which I think astounded me was the actual local police stopped that and said that that was n't permissible for if you were selling alcohol then it did n't it was n't right that that children under age and young children were allowed in the same area and that was that was changed then we got a new a new police superintendent and he said it was permissible and then we got another super he went they do n't stay very long in Harlow and we got somebody else came along and he said no that is n't permissible so we got very schizophrenic about what you could do with the foyer bar one minute you could have and the idea of about telling people and there young mothers going shopping come here for coffee , cakes for the children etc stop that we 've now got a new superintendent in Harlow and I think with applied going back to him and saying well please advice us can we or ca n't we ?
15 And Fergsuon acknowledges : ‘ We might not be so reliant on Robbo as we were two years ago but he is still the leader , the player the rest look up to .
16 ‘ And the pitch was very sapping on Tuesday and we seemed to tire . ’
17 I was married to Shimon when we first met , and that did n't put a wall between us .
18 ‘ We could not have got any closer to Wembley than we did in those two games .
19 We are job-hungry in Scotland and we need this money .
20 Erm I 'm not saying that er there were n't problems in security and using public transport and fear of using public transport after dark , but we were quite surprised that compared with the rest of the U K it was erm not acceptable but it gave us an indication on , on where to go from there on , erm and also I think er the important factor that in the lower in Strathclyde that we 've actually consulted women in terms of er what they want and what they need er in the transport world erm in public transport and that 's not lip service we 've actually had discussions groups and that information has been fed into the large erm public transport review that were undertaking at the present time .
21 Will my right hon. Friend ensure that the message goes out from British trade missions throughout the United States to American firms contemplating investing in Britain that we operate an open free market economy with low taxation and that we have no intention of introducing unnecessary social costs which would make business less competitive ?
22 We 're here to establish INCUBUS solid in Europe and we 'll do it the American way … ’
23 We do not have that in Britain and we need to build it into any changes .
24 With Wayne Rosing off to run FirstPerson , Dave Ditzel has been named acting head of Sun Microsystems Laboratories , an appointment it 'd be crazy not to make permanent : Ditzel , among his other credits , has been responsible for RISC and we 're expecting to see some interesting aspects of his handiwork soon ; Sun Labs , from whence Sun 's ideas flow , figures it 's handling the transfer of research to development better than practically anyone in the industry — the secret is moving the people with the project .
25 Erm for one world week on the twenty fourth of October and we 've been asked to do a stall there .
26 Fourth of August so we had to go see .
27 I just said to my hubby this morning , I said , ‘ The sooner its the Sixth of January and we 've got a they decorations back up the loft and poked all they clogged-up pine needles out the Hoover tube with a Knitting needle and its back to auld claes and parritch the better pleased I 'll be . ’
28 Get a few more like Rex and we 've cracked it .
29 ‘ It is impossible for us to be nearer to Wembley than we were tonight , ’ he said .
30 They 're all gon na be pissed on Friday cos we got in for nothing !
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