Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun pl] [be] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The most common thing that goes wrong with taps is that they leak either because the gland or packing has failed ( a leak from the top when the tap is open ) or because the washer has worn ( a leak from the spout when the tap is closed ) .
2 One of the exciting things about the erm introduction of this into schools is that we might actually begin to get , from a very early age , erm children clear about that the need to communicate their intentions , and that that 's what actually that 's what mathematics and similar formal systems has always been about .
3 One key reason why leasing remains popular with companies is that it enables them to expand through investment without damaging cash flow .
4 But one of the most pleasant of functions is that you can select a sentence by triple clicking on a word within it .
5 One of the advantages of not knowing too much about things is that you can keep sacred cows in the without noticing .
6 One reason was for communications , but another reason that was rather intriguing to scientists was that they could actually look at stars and look at the space between the stars and use a different region of the spectrum , in particular the radio region .
7 What citizens expect above all of governments is that they should achieve desirable ends .
8 The difference between the words for trusts and those for legacies was that the list for legacies was closed : there were set wordings , well established by long tradition .
9 This shows that one of the major factors that distinguishes the films of motorways and bends in roads from those of junctions is that they were rated as having less to see in them .
10 One respect in which rabbits ' lives are less complicated than those of humans is that they are not ashamed to use force .
11 Thus we have Macdonald reporting on the " almost unanimous chorus of opinion that women 's work as compositors is so inferior to men 's that it does not pay in the long run " ( the chorus in question being from employers ) But the testimony of individual employers is far from unanimous or even consistent .
12 ‘ What is worrying for hotels is that the training course market is tasting a new set of standards , and may never return to hotels , ’ she said .
13 The second view unacceptable to Christians is that the Jesus who lived and walked on earth 2000 years ago is not the same person who is called ‘ Son of God ’ , and who is with God the Father .
14 The third idea unacceptable to Christians is that Jesus was not really a man at at all but God play-acting at being a man .
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