Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adv] over the " in BNC.

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1 Consider , for instance , the evoked meaning of an expression such as all over the place ( paragraph 1 ) , or the impact of an unusual collocation such as lives in a rage ( paragraph 4 ) ; how well do these expressions translate into your target language ?
2 The poll-tax was payable by all over the age of fourteen , apart from genuine beggars , including the mendicant friars , who were exempted from it , and from the inhabitants of Durham and Cheshire .
3 This summer there are 17 teams of 6 from all over the globe .
4 Horncastle has become Lincolnshire 's principal Antiques Centre where over sixty dealers have their businesses and many more from all over the country and abroad come to trade .
5 thank you , now we 're going to bind this up , you take the long edge , sorry that goes down the long edge comes first of all over the two fingers and round the base of the thumb
6 Supplies are now available from all over the world , thereby extending their seasons and meaning that many flowers are on sale almost all year round .
7 Flower shops are at last taking up the challenge and offering a wider choice from the wealth of materials available from all over the world .
8 My Bill also seeks to right the serious and indefensible wrong brought about by the abolition of free eye and dental tests ; and free prescriptions would be available to all over the age of 60 .
9 This is the transition region B to C where the modulus drops sharply from about 10 9 to about over the temperature range 363 to 393 K. The glass transition temperature T g is located in this area and the rapid change in modulus reflects the constant increase in molecular motion as the temperature rises from T g to about .
10 Something else you become very aware of all over the Basque country is the bracken .
11 About 400 from all over the NorthEast took part in the Great Northern Pancake Jamboree held at the Gala Club , Skinnergate , Darlington , yesterday .
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