Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , building-society deposits , bank cash accounts , and National Savings holdings all rose sharply throughout the period , especially with high interest rates prevailing for almost the whole of the 1970s .
2 In such a case it is possible for either the seller or the buyer to commit an anticipatory breach of contract , i.e. to repudiate the contract before the time for performance .
3 In response , Congress , in the 1974 Act , included provisions requiring the president to report impoundments to the legislature , making it possible for either the House or the Senate to compel the release of impounded funds , and obliging the executive to spend them in accordance with legislative intent .
4 Rain spoiled the opening day of Durham 's first match as a first-class county to the extent that play was possible for only the morning session , which allowed Paul Parker and John Glendenen to put on 119 in an untroubled manner off 34 overs .
5 Ideally , an archaeologist wants to obtain as much information as possible about both the stratigraphy of a site and its plan , but there is a conflict between the two approaches .
6 We know very little about how the experience of ageing will vary between those who came to this country a-s economic migrants and the indigenous population .
7 On the other hand there 's a part of me that rejoices , that is glad he paid the way he did , that for once the world worked the way it 's supposed to , punishing the wrongdoer … and that saddens and sickens me too , because I think that this must be the way Andy feels all the time .
8 ‘ Many people in the east are also completely unrealistic about how the country is going to change .
9 And I think those charts are very interesting about where the client base is
10 Furthermore , the Fairley family considered themselves to be people of consequence and were careful of how the world perceived them .
11 Skulls of aliens adorned the banner-hung , tapestried walls , their eyeless sockets forever blinded to the mysteries of those who had mastered them , their hollow craniums empty of even the ghost of a twisted , unhuman thought .
12 Standing on the south bank and looking across the river at the village , one can see that it is still well-wooded with only the church spire and a small number of houses visible through the trees .
13 ’ Sheila said this in much the tone of incredulity as she might have said , ‘ If I ever die . ’
14 It is dual density , but quite different from either the Skywalk or Vibram ones used in the other boots reviewed , the shock absorbing layer being very much thicker and softer .
15 In contrast , the conformation of CsA when bound to cyclophilin is very different from either the crystal or chloroform-solution structures of uncomplexed CsA .
16 But Gide 's account especially does suggest how the vision of desire as loss is strangely inseparable from both the blindness of desire and its capacity to know more than it wants .
17 He is very good on free kicks and penalties and scores quite a few from INSIDE the box as well .
18 If you 're interested in either the design or purchase of jewellery then a unique opportunity has come to Glasgow this week .
19 I was sure that nearly everyone was interested in how the universe operates , but most people can not follow mathematical equations — I do n't care much for equations myself .
20 In these circumstances we are interested in how the press reports these crimes and how this has been changing .
21 The geographer on the other hand , is primarily interested in how the landscape works , and in man 's interactions with it , and thus recognizes that water is but one of the terrestrial phenomena in the total complex interacting ecosystem in which he is really interested .
22 But Sir John is as interested in how the company 's money is spent as any bank manager .
23 It is not an adequate defence of the inductivist position to point out that parents and teachers select a set of red objects when teaching children to understand the concept ‘ red ’ , for we are interested in how the concept first acquired its meaning .
24 Marx in his early writing was much interested in how the illusion of religion comes about , but in his later writing he seems to have lost interest in religion .
25 Thus the cost of a product could , to an extent , be dependent upon when the product was manufactured .
26 It has proposed a community-based programme of punishment but in order to sell this to both the judiciary and its supporters it has constructed around it a rhetoric of toughness .
27 Land reform had profound impact on the distribution of rural wealth and income and through this on both the motivation and complicity of the rural population to invest , improve farming techniques and to increase production .
28 Had he not better make that clear to both the Conservative and Labour Members who still believe that Britain could stay out of the developments that will take place in Europe ?
29 Most of the other constructions should be reasonably clear except possibly the construction of the section
30 The tension in the rein very much depends on the individual , but the aim is to be soft and easily acceptable to both the horse and the rider .
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