Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pron] be [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 This for me is Sibelius .
2 Half of them are Morton , half of them are English and the other half are Irish , so erm we have our own little family little battles as to who 's supporting who in football matches and stuff like that .
3 Half of them are KGB , and I would n't trust the other half , ’ he said bitterly .
4 I 'd swear half of it was Lynches , Connallys , Egans , Kellys … etc .
5 Fourteen apprentices were trained by him , the most distinguished of whom was Ralph Greatorex [ q.v . ] .
6 The 1633 ‘ Uyttenbogaert ’ fits that bill with the additional advantages of being both a representation of an important figure in Dutch religious history ( although the Rijksmuseum already has a portrait of him by Rembrandt 's contemporary Jacob Backer ) and universally accepted as authentic by the members of the Rembrandt Research Project , some of whom are Rijksmuseum curators .
7 Some of them are Suardale men — and Drynoch men ! ’
8 Summary : The conference was funded by ESRC to discuss the results of the primary analysis of WIRS2 , some initial results of secondary analysis ( some of which was ESRC funded , but under separate grants ) , generally appraise WIRS2 as a resource for the academic community and , finally , discuss the possibility of a WIRS3 which subsequently took place in early 1990 , with a substantial contribution of funding from ESRC .
9 Five of these were women , the youngest of whom was Sydel , who was nineteen .
10 We then come back from there and we 've got a mass of competitions , some in what was East Germany , some in West Germany .
11 Thus we were told that , since the timetable was only used ‘ by enthusiasts and the travel trade ’ , it was pointless to indicate which trains had meal service , and while vital to show which services were operated by Sprinters nobody was interested in which were HSTs .
12 The most distinguished among them was Alfred Einstein , editor of the third edition of the Kochel catalogue , who believed that the dots were simply strokes shrunken due to haste .
13 SunSoft Inc , the company 's system software subsidiary , distributed 136,000 Solaris and Unix licences , 116,000 of which were Solaris 2 .
14 The Mentawi group of four islands , the largest of which is Siberut , lie only 53–84 miles ( 85–135 km ) off the west coast of Sumatra .
15 At the King 's court at Christmas 1604 , there were twenty-two plays , and eight of them were Will 's .
16 An out-of-court settlement on Feb. 15 gave 987 " names " — individuals whose assets support underwriting at Lloyd 's — £116,000,000 in compensation for massive losses sustained in reinsurance contracts assumed in 1982 by a number of Lloyd 's agents , the most prominent of which was RHM Outhwaite Underwriting ; the " names " had alleged negligence and breach of contract by the underwriters .
17 But even among the Spanish dealers there are several notable defections , the most serious of which are Theo , La Maquina Espanola , Oliva Arauna and Pepe Cobo 's gallery of collaboration with Brooke Alexander and John Weber .
18 Prominent amongst them is Peter Nevill who built Riston Grange and endowed many charities .
19 It is true that some members of the party were inclined to take a ‘ soft ’ line towards Germany : prominent among them were Philip Noel-Baker and Richard Stokes , both of them middle-class members of the party .
20 Most prominent among them was Sangorski & Sutcliff , a firm much used by Lutyens personally , and also responsible for the cyphered design on the leather shelf edging in the library .
21 In this match he took seven wickets , the strangest of which was India 's first-innings stalwart Vengsarkar .
22 The total is slightly up on 1991 when DEC sold a total of 5,225 workstations in the UK worth £47.9m — 3,855 of which were VAX/VMS workstations worth £33.1m , against just 1,470 Unix systems valued at £47.9m .
23 That 's slightly up on 1991 when the firm sold a total of 5,225 workstations worth £47.9m — 3,855 of which were VAX/VMS workstations worth £33.1m , against just 1,470 Unix systems valued at £47.9m .
24 The person who was most patient with him was Alison , who let him read his poems to her and sometimes took him out to lunch .
25 These were first written down maybe in the twelfth century , but now survive , often in a fragmentary state , only in the Icelandic prose sagas of the thirteenth century and later , the most famous of which is Heimskringla , a series of lives of kings of Norway by Snorri Sturluson ( d.1241 ) .
26 Many ministers , the most famous of whom were J. Guinness Rogers and A. M. Fairbairn , wrote in the leading monthlies , at least the Liberal ones , and for many years the Congregational minister of Union Chapel , Islington , Henry Allon , edited the much respected British Quarterly Review .
27 Tree saplings ( over 1 metre in height ) are absent from 80% , by area , of the 5,400 hectares of broadleaved woodland in the Snowdonia National Park , virtually all of which is LFA .
28 I am immensely kindly supported in my lonely periods here by a whole host of interesting and talented friends — nearly all of whom are John 's age or nearer yours as it so happens .
29 In 12 patients , all of whom were AA , total parenteral nutrition was effective in improving symptoms and signs , and thereafter , made it possible to maintain adequate oral intake again .
30 A Council of Ministers , nearly all of whom were BSP members , was formed on Sept. 20 .
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